The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 159, dare to take my daughter-in-law, interrupted his legs

Mount Morgus said, falling his eyes on the body of the child.

Tong Jiubo is smart and the ability to react, she looked at everyone's eyes.

She quickly looked at Mo Jue, said, "Don't you understand your family's intention? They are very lack of a daughter to chat with them."

"Yes, yes!" Chi Yi clearly, nodded, but it turned to think, and I feel that it is not right.

If you want to explain the lack of daughter, but when you are a daughter-in-law, you will be interrupted by Tong Jiumo first. "How do you see me? Let me be your sister, so your family is more daughter and Granddaughter. "

Mono Qi Yi is green.

Who wants her to do my sister?

"My mother will give me a sister, I don't need your sister."

"Yeah, yeah! We lack a grandson!" Milk milk quickly said, "My daughter-in-law will give me a granddaughter!"

"..." Chi-ice is clear and stunned.

"I am so angry ohmore." Chi Eyi clearly looked at the children's nine, "they bullied me ..."

"Bo mother, I think your family's relationship is quite cute ..." Tong Jiu Mo said with a smile.

She was the first time I saw the elders in the nobles and the lifelong relationship between the people, and the atmosphere was very happy.

"Yes! You also think that our atmosphere is good?" Chuan Yiqing asked.

She just wants Tong Jiimo feel that it is happy to be happy.

They have not yet inquired, and Tong Jiu Mo said it.

Really their own daughter-in-law!

"Well!" Tong Jihong nodded, said very seriously.

"Then how do you think my son?" Chi Yifang asked with iron.

"Momi Qi?" Tong Jiu Mima said, did not forget to see a stranger.

But see him to calm down, a pair of hooks, stare straight to her, like warning her, if they dare to say something wrong, he will swallow her.

"Well, it is him!" Chi Yingqing nodded frequently.

Others have also erected their ears to listen to Toumo.

Tong Jihuang took a deep breath, the son of people, she could not talk, even more.

Just said, "I have seen a few times with Mo Qi, I think he is very good."

"Starny, which aspect?" "Chi Yingqing asked.

"Just ..." Tong Jiu Mid said, suddenly the words, not found.

How do she know that Momi Qi is ok?

Tong Jiumo made a distant look of the rescue.

Mo Qi hesitated for a moment, "Mom, I know with her, I am in the state of mutual understanding, she suddenly saved my mother, I have to thank her well, I will take her to chat first."

Said, Mo Qi put down the tableware and walked to the child's ninem, and reached out and pulled the children from the dining chair.

"Hey!" Chi Yishen looked at the wife and was taken away by his son, called to chase it.

It was killed by a stranger, "Aibei, don't mess, you didn't hear my son, they were in the stage, don't bother them."

"If he dares to take the Momo, I interrupt his legs." Chi Yiqing put down his words.

"Are you reluctant, that is the son that you can't be proud." Milk's milk is late.

"Why don't you be gone? I still have a daughter-in-law!" Chuan Yi cleared his chest.

"You interrupt the legs of the AU, it is to harm my grandchildren to take care of him. What kind of heart is your grandmother?" Milk asked.

"Then I am a daughter-in-law, how can I harm her? I will not harm my wife!"

Suddenly, two people were arguing.

The grandfather and stranger on the side, watching ... also helpless.

PS: Add more 2. Seek ticket! Happy National Day ~

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