The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 177 has a gift to the Ash

"Haha! Hold the Ash!"

Tongle said with a smile.

When I listened to Ale, when I was a happy laughter, I was soft, and he said softly. "Do you not say something to give?"

"Yes! I almost forgot!"

Tongle music heard a gift, he immediately leaned against the small shoulders of the Division, "Ash, walk, I will take you to take the gift!"

"Tongle, stranger, why do you always have a hug? What are you doing?"

A male classmate is curiously running, asked, "I have to hug!"

The male is learning, it is necessary to flutter to hold a stranger.

But by Tongle, I took the stranger behind him, cold my face, reach out to the body of the male classmate, "What do you want to do? Want to grab the Ash? Ask my fist!"

"Hey! Le, you are too small!" The male classmate glared at Tongle.

"I don't want to touch my family!" Tongle's speech waist, and he said in the male classmates.

The male classmate also took his mouth and looked at the feminism of the feminism. It was also scared. Lianlian retired, said, "Don't hold it, why don't you be so fierce, I can't grab you Ash ... "

The more the male classmates, the more I wrote, and I cried, and I ran to find the teacher to show my cry.

Looking at the male classmates who were scared, Tongle was clapping, using the thumb, , "Dare to hold me, don't say the door, no window!"

Tong Lele returned, smiled and stacked, reached out and took the shoulders of the division, "Ash, I just did something bad!"

The stranger is a helpless shot.

He went forward, took the shoulders of the children's Lele, "Ale, I will not be allowed to hold me in the Gangzhou public in the future."

Tongle music heard, suddenly dump his mouth, the little finger of the two meat, stamped, wronged, "Ash ..."

Looking at Tongle is like a daughter-in-law that is a grievance, he is soft.

Say, "Forget it."

Tongle is suddenly broken, "Ash, go, I will take you to see the gift! Good gift!"

Tongle said, pulling a stranger running.

Tong Lele took out his own bag in the tent, then took out a four-leaf grass from inside, handed it to a stranger.

"Ale, you will send me a grass? What is the meaning?" The stranger looked at the grass of four leaves and asked.

He is so smart, I can't understand why Ale wants to send him a grass.

However, as long as it is Aile, the grass is treasure.

"This is not ordinary grass, this is a four-leaf grass." Tongle said.

"Four-leaf grass? What is it?" Mr. said curiously.

"It can give people a lucky four-leaf grass." Tongle said, "This is Mommy told me. I found it last night. The first thing I thought about gave it."

"What about you?" The Mr. I listened to Tongle, and asked.

"Mommy said, people who pick up to four-leaf grass will be lucky to be lucky, so I have to give this lucky to Ash!"

Tongle is looking at the stranger.

"How to understand what Mummy is! Mommy is really good!" Said the stranger worship.

"Ale, you are so good to me." The stranger carefully carefully protects the four-leaf grass.

"You are my younger brother! Good for your brother, is your brother's responsibilities!" Tongle is going to the small shoulders of the division, smile.

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