Tongle music was asked to be angry!

Sitting on the dining chair, spending the waist, looking at the children's nine, "Mommy! What object? Baby wants to be a target, you should ask how big women! Instead, ask me to be a man!"

"Is it my mother?"

Tongle is solemn!

What is Mommy this idea? More open?

"Yes." Tong Jiu Mo smiled and said, "Do you see, here, you are so close, you are in trouble! And now many countries have passed the same, love is It's legal, who knows what my son will bring me a little boyfriend? "

Tongle is shocked to look at the children's nine, "How can you think about your son like this?"

"You are five years old, just make this, what is I can't accept? Even if you say that you are a small, there is a master of the master, I think I may accept it ..." Tong Jihuang Let yourself get this crit in advance.

Tongle is listening, the temples are constantly jumping, and the face is sinking. "I am 24K, the male ..."

"And! Even if your son is engaged, how do you look at your son? Mommy! You still not my mommy!"

He wants to fry!

This kind of mother is not a mother.

"Which small attack you have seen is stupid?" Tong Jiu Milou asked, "The cold is generally very good ..."

"Forget it! You are my mommy, you are all right." Tong Lele said that Mommy, automatic surrender!

Does with stupid? Ash is cold?

Child Jiu Mo sat down and re-enacts recipes.

Her mobile phone is placed aside.

The mobile phone information prompt is around.

Tongle is said, "Mommy, your phone is noisy."

"Mommy is busy, do you help me see what information, the way to help me reply." Tong Jiubo continued to be busy.

"It's too lazy! If it is your lover to send you a message to ask for love? Do you also make your baby looked at spicy eyes?" Tongle said, pick up the Tong Jiimo mobile phone, enter the password Unlock.

When I entered WeChat, I was scared that my hand was shaking. The phone fell.

"The mother! Scared the baby!" When Tongle looked at the information, it was frightened that the mobile phone was all, "Mommy, when did you have a lovely mother-in-law?"

Also my home!

Is this much more love not to note this one name?

Tong Jihuang heard the words, glanced at Tongle, "Hu, what do I have?"

"Really!" Tongle looked at Mummy.

"You said that I will say you!" Tong Jiubo threatened.

Dedicated to her.

Tongle music is booted, directly handed the mobile phone, "Don't believe yourself! Your lovely mother-in-law gives you information, calling you to eat."

Tong Jihuang heard the words, took the mobile phone, I really saw the name of 'my lovely mother-in-law'.

Cute mother-in-law?

My family?

"Ale, when did I have a mother-in-law, I don't know?"

Tong Jiu Mo is asked.

Tongle music is booth, "You don't know, where do I know?"

"I rarely add people with WeChat." Tong Jiumei said, how can I have a strange mother-in-law? "

Also call her home to eat?


"Ale, give you a chance to perform, to check that my phone is poisoned." Tong Jiubo lost his mobile phone to Tongle.

Tongle music is a bitter, "" You carefully see your mother-in-law's avatar, how can I have a photo of my women? When will I take a woman? "

PS: Tickets ~ ask for a collection ~

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