The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 186 is going to go, go right away!

"My mother-in-law like a lady, I want to be a woman who wants to be really married."

"But you see that the lady is very good to the children's ninemad! The god is more soft, and it is gentle than the president!"

"May ... Tong Jiu Milo is the future wife who is scheduled to be scheduled?"

"Can a daughter-in-law still reservation?"

"The lady, but the president, the president, his father is unable to be, the year ..."

"The president is good!"

A greeting, interrupted several female employees in whispering.

Several employees have been brushing to shut up, respectfully standing on the side, "The president is good!"

The Mo Jue is always cold, and it is placed in the crowd, followed by several bodyguards.

Mo Qi walked in the elevator, after coming out, I saw the children's Jiu Milou after the end of the ice, and his arrow was on, and she pulled her wrist from Tong Jiumo.

Pull her channel to the channel.


Tong Jiu Mo did I wanted to scream, but I looked up her mouth by Mo Que, and he was deeply staring at her, and the low voice raised in her ear. "How did you come here? Don't you notify me? "

"Hey, what are you doing?" Tong Jihuang was in the wall, this posture, excessive awkward!


"Do you think I think?" Monastery said, pinching her jaw, looking at it slightly.

Tong Jiu Miluo glanced at him. It was originally to hear him. However, it was a beautiful food building. It is not far away. If you let go of the late break know her and his son, definitely fantasy It's been a shame.

It will be more than the late break, and I don't dare to act rashly.

", Momo?"

The voice of late break is coming.

Tan Jihai heard the voice of late break, she quickly pushed the Mori Queon.

Implement is a big strength.

Mo Qi did not expect that she would push him so much vigorously, he caught a sudden defense, hit the wall, and then played out a p stock to sit on the ground!

Just, the bodyguards came after hearing the voice. When I saw a stranger, when I was sitting on the ground, I didn't see anything I saw it.

Tong Jiubo went out, just late and clear, I asked later, "Momo, how do you walk, don't see people? Nothing? What do you do here?"

"Bo mother, I am fine, just high heels suddenly loose, I am going to handle it here?"

Tong Jihuang blocked the late Qing Dynasty, and pulled the late break, "the mother, let's go!"

"These bodyguards are AUB, why don't others not see?" Chi Yishen looked at the bodyguards, he knew it was her son.

Where her son has a bunch of bodyguards.

"I don't know, I didn't see him." Tong Jiumo said with a smile.

After the body, the stranger from the ground, the whole face is dark.

This woman, pushing down he didn't say, dare to say he did not see him on his mother?

He doesn't have light?

After Tong Jiu Milou entered, after he greeted the high level of the food exchange, he went to borrow the kitchen to start according to the vegetables on the recipe.

After a mistake, Mo Jue is coming in.

I saw a stranger, I said, "Aub, you have to come, go, go to the kitchen to help, don't be tired."

Momi Qi is a long cough, "Mom, so many people in the kitchen."

"Momo is my future wife, you don't learn to do anything, how to serve your wife in the future?" Chi Yiqing glanced at the Qi Yan, "Hurry, go!"

By the majesty of the mother, the Mo Jue can only walk into the kitchen.

Moreover, in this way, he can get along with the Tong Jiubo.

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