The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 193 is also a mother-in-law than the mother.

Mo Qi did not expect that he would actually become a driver of two women.

Also, help your trophy!

Tong Jiu Milou wants to go to help the point, then it is palained in the eyes, and the order, "Momo, the things are men's doing things, our woman will only be responsible for buying buying)! Men is used to pick things and credit card payment! Do you want to find a man? "

Tong Jihuang heard the words and smiled.

If you really have the best mother-in-law gold medal, she will definitely vote, and will help her to draw!

Such a mother-in-law is really cute! Good fashion! Okawa! I understand!

I want this to be a mother-in-law that all girls have dreamed of!

If you care about you, things think about you, all aspects are concerned about care!

Be more advanced than the mother!

At this time, the company came to the phone, there is a major thing to need him to go back.

The phone has always been ringing.

Eating is not impatient, "You go back to deal with the official! You said that you have a big president, don't run, what is your lively? Hurry back to work! Your mother can't get rid, your wife can't run away."

"You can leave, black card leaves."

You don't have to say it later, Mo Jue also automatically handles Black card to Tong Jiu Mo

Tong Jiemif is naturally not picking up. It was a late Qing grabbed, and it was put into the bag of Momo, "turned back, handle all your cards to Momo."

"Ah?" Tong Jiimo heard the words, scared, "Aunt is not suitable!"


Hand to her for all bank cards?

Is this crazy?

"Momo, you are beautiful, so kind, but also independent, bring your child, the cause is also so strong, I don't look at the point, give some deposits, I am really afraid that you will go to others. Daughter-in-law ... "

Looking back at Children's Jiubo, "Momo, anyway, you are also single, my family is so good, the door is waiting for you to check, you feel suitable, just point it, know?"

"Mom, don't say these words, I will go back to work first. I will pick you up later." Mo Qi looked at the mother so enthusiastic, worried that enthusiasm, will take the children, Jiu Mid, "My mother is a little problem, she likes Hu, some don't worry."

"How come." Tong Jihuang shook his head.

"Head boy, do you dare to say your mother? Are you looking for it?" Chi Eyi cleared the Mo Jue.

Mount Mo Jue can only pick up things, first leaving.

After the Mori Qi Qi left, it was a bit thirsty, and he said to the Tong Jiumo. "Momo, I went to drink the cup of tea, and I will continue to go shopping again."

"Okay." Tong Jiu Milou accompanied a flower tea shop with late break.

And how did she not think that it will encounter a child's heart in the flower tea shop.

There is a mother of Qiangchen, and the snow is like a child.

First, when I saw the Tong Jiu Milou, I said to the Snow, "Mom, you see, it is a child! After she returns to China, it is really a stroll everywhere!"

Mo Xue is like looking up, seeing Tong Jiu Mo is not surprised, but seeing Children's Jiubo is surprised!

The late break is also noticed that Mo Snow is a disgusting eyes, she watched, I couldn't help but eyebrow, "Momo, we changed a flower tea shop!"

However, the other party did not give this opportunity to be late.

"It's really life, the eyes are like, you can still have the opportunity to see you! God really doesn't open your eyes."

Snow, such as walking, stopping the way to leave late.

"Yeah, God is deliberate to make me see you, I am mad, you will die, you will not be able to show weakness, saying that it is said that


"What are you? Going, a good dog doesn't stop!" The late Qing Qing took the hand of the snow, and the cold voice said.

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