"You are crazy! Do you take a strange money as a toy? Let me give it, give so much!" Yan Xue is so late, you can't hate the table.

The act of just free, the behavior has been angered.

I didn't expect to be a madness when I heard the eating of Children's Jiuzhong.

"You marry a wife so much money! What do you do? Don't even dowry! Betting, I am really a brain into the water!"

By late, it doesn't care, "I almost forgot to tell you, the above, my mother-in-law gives the premises and wife, the mutual hiring ceremony has not yet, I met the greece and the strange is just the horn."

After the Momo was sent to the castle by Momo, her husband and wife discussed the job with my parents.

Already prepared everything.

It is more luxurious than her hiring.

These are just the meeting of her ninem.

The child's heart is listening, and the eyes are almost falling down, listening to the heart is very do not say.

The palace only gave five million gift children's house, and she wants to marry into the palace, but also children with children.

At the engagement ceremony, it has already given a thousands of thousands, and the remaining 10 million must be completed on the day of the wedding.

But in order to marry into the palace, marry the mountains and young, the child is willing to eat this loss.

However, now I have to hear the children's ninemum to marry so good, and the light is listening to those who have a thief, the thief is embarrassed!

The child's heart exposed the killing at this time.

"You gave it to her yourself!" Mo Snow, if you don't believe it, it will be so generous! "

When she used skin care products customized by late universities, she was very similar!

Her second uncle actually bought a large brand cosmetics company, custom skin care products secretly sent anonymous to late break.

She is seen in the magazine, and there is no money to make an appointment, can't buy it.

Who knows that it is easy to use!

This thing, she only knows.

Her second uncle's true petition is unable to be unable!

Direct education is envious of jealousy!

Listening to the snow, late, clear, laugh, "Such a good daughter-in-law, I like to use the material to pet her, after all, I am just a visit."

Early breaking, you can't give everything to Jiuyuan.

When Moon is not cool, she didn't even have a shares of the family, or the parents got to pay for her parents, when she was married, the strange only gave her billion yuan to marry, industrial industry Nothing in real estate!

When I was married into my mad, I held a century wedding.

Chi Yingqing feels that this is not enough to stimulate, but also said, "Also, my son's wife's wedding day, will still go to banknotes, it will see the banknotes full of flying, you will have a long time from the bureau And what kind of daughter-in-law did not spend money? Friendly reminder, remember to take a few buck bags on the wedding, after all, this is a peace of fortune, drink a happy wine, I can save money, I want you, will Take a few bags of sack bags, what is the face? Most important, is it? "

Ming Xue is convulsive if he is angry.

It's too arrogant!

I can't refute it!

Tong Jihuang naturally raised his hand, holding a late arms, asked softly, "Mom, it's a wedding, will this be too paladable?"

"Silly girl, get married for a lifetime! How can I not be paved?" Chi Yi Qing shook his head, "I will marry you, of course I have to spend my mind! How can you make you married?"

"Thank you Mom!" Toumo smiled sweetly.

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