The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 200, we have insurance, don't you blame you.

"Bo mother ... dare to love you, is you a set to give me a promise you?" Tong Jihao listened to the recording content, the face twitched.

"The child's wife, not being detained!" Chi Yi Qing said with a smile, "Momo, not regret it!"

Tong Jiu Mo is helplessly looked back late, and there is nothing to say.

Everyone is so understanding, how can she refute?

Don't mind her, I only hope that she gives a chance!

What is her?

Let the late breaks so whispered to her?


Tong Lele didn't have long after Mommy left, I received a phone call, and the stranger said that he would not allow him to stay at home and let him go to school.

After two babies listened to the other side of the vomiting, they asked in the same way -

"Do I have been disliked by it?"

"Is this saddened by Mommy?"

After a few seconds, the strange division said, "Ale, how to do things is getting more and more tacit?"

"No?" Tongle music also spit it, "" Mommy also bullied me! "

"Don't say it, Grandpa will send me to school." Stir away.

"Go, I will go to school later, we have seen it." Tongle said.

After hanging up the phone, Tongle music also packed up the things and went to school.

When he got off the school, a kind old man came out of the teaching building and went clean and neatly.

Three people have encountered together, then Tongle will let the road to the left and two old people will go to the right.

Tongle is right, they also follow the left.

So repeated several times.

Tong Lele is impatient, the fork waist and lifts two old people, saying, "Do you want to touch the porcelain? Do you want to fall against me? I told you, the baby is very poor! No money! "

"What porcelain? We are you too grandfather too grandmother!" Milk said, "You really have no big little grandson."

"Just, I said that we have insurance, falling down, and you can't." Mr. Mr. said.

Tongle is very unhappy, just say: "I am still your grandfather!"

Let's listen to the grandfather, and I grabbed Tongle is a PP.

"Still grandfather! All said it is you too grandfather!"

Tongle is like a PP, and suddenly I feel inexplicable. "You grandson grandson call me, I am not your grandfather!"

"I am from you grandfather!" Mr. Grandpa squad down on the PP of Tongle.

"Are you me?" Tongle is not conquered.

What is the grandfather?

"Grandpa!" Mr. Mr. was so angry.

"Hey!" Tongle looked away from the hands of Mrs., heard the other person shouted him too grandfather, he looked at the circular big eyes, and the waist should be said.

Still also call him grandfather?

Anyway is also a grandfather! Not bad!

Mr. Master is relieved!

Did you look at the mysteria on the side, not always laughing.


I don't see some days, how is the baby of her home so cute? Is it so good?

I have no indifference in him!

"Ais little baby, is it a long time, I haven't seen Tai Grandfa too grandmother, so I don't recognize us. I blame AUB's stinky boy, then the lovely baby is not placed at home, he an old man can Is the child baked? "

Milk milk squatted down, distressed Tongle's small face and head, "It's a pitiful grandson of grandson."

As little baby?

This old grandmother called him as a baby?

So, the person in front of you is the grandfather who is mentioned before Ash.

PS: add more! Ticket ticket! Seeking more kara ~

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