The next day, Mu Jingqing's avoidance day.

Tong Jihuang and Sophie have went to the dock of the victim, where there is a tombstone of a victim.

And Mu Qingqing also has a separate tombstone.

Tong Jihuang and Sophie have flowers to mourn.

"Momo, don't cry, when you are things, you don't want, is Mu Jingqing, take the initiative to help you to perform the task, as long as you complete the last order, she will retreat from our organization." Sophie Flowers are placed in front of the tombstone, side, comforting Tong Jiumo said.

Tong Jiu Milou took the sunglasses and wiped tears on the cheeks.

"If she didn't replace me to perform the task, the accident would not be her, she can quit her fiance."

Tong Jiu Milu said.

"But things have happened, and this is late Qing you take the initiative. She will not blame you, you don't always put the responsibility in your own body." Sophie hugged the children's ninemous, light Said, "Momo, everything will pass."

"Here is the sea breeze, let's go back." Sophie and Tong Jihuang were mourning for a while, and left.

Tong Jihuang and Sophie are drinking together.

Tong Jiubo has been drinking for a long time, and it has been hidden in his heart for a long time.

"Fifi, I have been embarrassed in my heart, I have been afraid, I am sorry late." Tong Jihao said, pick up the wine glasses to drink, but found that she was finished, she was sight, she went to take a bottle. Directly drank your mouth.

"Momo, don't drink so much wine." Sophie stretched out the bottle.

But it was blocked by the nicknamed, "" You let me drink, I have never dared to drink so happy now ... "

"Momo, why should you?" Sophie frowned, and it was a big heartache.

"If not because of me, I will not replace me to die, and I will never meet the devil-like man ... I will not ..." Tong Jiu Mo said, actually crashing on the table "Lele's arrival, accompanying me for five years, Lele is the only movement of my only, but it is also a moment to remind me, I used to personally put his father's flyfold to death ..."

"Momo ..." Sophie listened, is very distressed, she can't say anything, even comforting words become pale.

Anyone can't understand the encounter of Jiubo.

There is only one of the children's ninem of her own.

"Fifi, that is a late fiance, and I ... after I lived in her, I also gave her a child, I felt that I was very despicable ..."

"No! Despicable is me, when I insisted that you have to give birth, the child is innocent! How can he be deprived of him to this world because of these things?" Sophie interrupted If a child is ninem, "Momo, things will pass over time, fade, precipitate."

Sophie has never drunk, is drinking juice.

Worried that I will not send the child's ninem.

When I was drinking eight, Sophie was unable to bear the heart of the child's Jihai to continue to drink so, and the account was found.

Sophie has to the place nearby pharmacy, and I bought a wake-up tea for Tong Jiubo.

After the ninem of Tong Di, the head was not so painful.

On the way to the children's hometown, Sophie suddenly received the emergency call from the hospital, and he must return to the hospital half an hour.

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