The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 504 This is my son, a stranger

"Ale, how do you dress up as strange like a stranger?" Tong Jiumo looked at a Batman with a Spider-Man, I couldn't help but ask.

Tongle music, and later, he took the head and grabbed his head. "I said," I and Acus are in the eu story. I have brought this grandfather. He said that the situation is urgent, catch me And Aciting came here to get on the bus. "

"Is it an Ais?" Tong Lele said, throwing the problem to the stranger.

The stranger is stable, "Well, Grandpa will be married with the beautiful mom, I hope that we have witnessed this sacred moment at the scene, so our clothes have never been replaced."

"Staric, a Batman, a Spider-Man." Chuan Yi said.

Looking at two little cute, don't mention how happy.

"Ale, come, introduce you."

Tong Jiu Milou pulled Tongle, holding his little hand, went to Tong Jinbin and Child Grandfather Grandma, said, "Ale, this is your grandfather, this is a grandma."

Tongle looked at the men and two old people in front of them, respectfully, shouted, "outside the public, the ancestors, grandmother ancestors!"


Tong Jinbin and the child grandmother are excited.

Tong Jinbin didn't expect himself to be the public. When he heard Tongle, he shouted him his grandfather, his eyes were wet.

And the two old people couldn't help but cried, and they extended their shake hands.

Tongle music is busy to extend the small hand, pull the child grandmother, the crisp sound, "The grandmother grandmother, you are good, for the first time, please allow the baby to give you!"

Said, Tong Lele moved a chair, not to craw down, waved his hand, said, "Oh, baby can't get up, grandfather hug."

Tong Jinbin also screamed. When he heard Tongle, he didn't come over. He walked forward, put Tongle music, put it on the chair.

"Thank you from the grandfather!" Tongle is holding Tong Bin, just got a bite on Tong Jinbin's face.

Then I kissed the child grandparents.

The child's family was warm by Tongle, and it is a good time to be happy.

Tongle is full of popularity.

It is almost a small protagonist.

Of course, the Stang's four treasures looked at Tongle and kissed the children's family. I didn't know anything, it was not a taste, even a little taste.

Is this the feeling of love?

Because I like Momo, I accept her loved ones?

It must be like this.

"Momo, you haven't introduced us yet." Before the break, reminded Tong Jiucai.

Children's Jiuhuang slowly, the small face is slightly red, and then introduces the family four treasures to Tongle, "Ale, after they will become your loved ones, know?"

"Oh, I know." Tong Lele nodded very well.

"This is grandparents, this is too grandfather, too grandmother." Tong Jiu Mo said one by one.

"Grandpa grandmother is good, too grandfather is too grandma!" Tongle is politely greeted.

I will recognize the relatives, and I have more relatives, I feel great.

"Hey, you haven't introduced me to Mommy." The eyes of the stranger have been staring at the children's ninemous, and he did not move one inch. He pulled the pants of the squid.

Mo Jue heard the words, then picked up Spider-Man son, went to Tong Jiu Milou, and pulled it, and said to Tong Jiubo said, "Momo, this is my son, stranger."

PS: Tickets

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