"Okay!" Tong Jiu Mid made a daily light makeup.

Mo Qi looked at her and felt very charming.

He didn't think that she would be so fast as his legitimate wife.

He finally made her name appeared in his account.

Mo Qi raised his hand, gently licked her hair, when she laughed, sweet, his heart was softened.

He looked at her little sweet wife, how to see how I like it.

"You are really beautiful today." Mori Qiaon made a horror.

"I will be beautiful today? I am clear every day." Tong Jihao listened to him to praise her beauty, she is in a beautiful, but she is cumbersome to tease him.

Mo Jue is heard, thinking that she is angry, I am busy saying, "No, you are beautiful every moment, even the hair is beautiful."

Tong Jiu Mo, did not expect him to say this!

"Oil mouth slippery!" She smiled very brilliant.

"Mr. Mr. Mr., Mrs. Mr., are you ready?" The photographer looked at the two couples who were flirting, it was really forced to be dug food.

I have to get married, it is still so sweet!

Even the air is sweet to the fry.

Mo Jue, I watched this name, very satisfied, he looked at the children's ninem, reached out to her, "Mr. Monet, ready?"

Tong Jiu Mo, looked at his big hand, hesitate to put the little hand in his palm, "Well."

Two people sitting on the chair, the photographer looked at the camera, shouting, "Mr. Mo wants to smile, Mrs. Mr. is approaching Mr. Mori, right, just like this, smile."

Mo Jue is registered today, slightly, watching her sweet, and the lips can not help but smile.

The photographer captures a few groups of strange people's eyes!

Finally, I chose a standard wedding photo to do a marriage certificate.

The remaining is given to Mo Qi.

Mo Qi looked at that group of photos, I bought the camera's camera.

Let the seal house buy a new photographer.

Mujia four treasures and everyone took a lot of highlights.

When signing, Mo Jue took paper and pen, didn't look at it, found a deposit office, just signed your name.

Tong Jiu Milu is not signing, he is hesitating.

The people in the side look at the death!

Drinking hanging.

Tongle is not signing, he walked over, sitting down, "Mommy, you won't be hesitant, baby is not easy to have a baby, you won't be so cruel to your baby?"

Tong Jiu Mo went to God, put down the pen, and smashed the child's head, said, "Mommy signed it?"

"Le Le, I will call your mommy sign." Bai Yi clearly shouted.

"Mommy, check it! Baby support you!" Tongle is laughing and improving Tong Jiumo.

Mo Jue is watching, but also nervous, he is eyebrow, "Momo, Hey, sign?"

Tong Jiimo looked at the Qi Qi, he was nervous, and it seems to be afraid that she temporarily repent.

Tong Jiubo asked a very stupid question, "Mo Qi, sign the word, you will pet me for a lifetime, love me for a lifetime, for my life?"

This problem is estimated that every girl will ask it.

She is no exception.

Mo Jue is seriously nodded, "Well, I only pet you, put you in my heart."

Tong Jiu Milou looked at him. After a lot of things in my mind, she took the pen and paused a second in the deposit, and he signed his name.

PS: Tickets

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