The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 515, Steel Straight Men's Practice (Qiqi Moon!)

Mo Qi looked back at her. He knew that Tong Jiun was really true. Today, he did not give her a statement, she would have been depressed.

"Momo, I have to think about Shao Xiangxin? Say really, I don't like this kind of girl who is doing the princess of the princess. If I say what is related to her, I can only be Relationship, this answer, are you still satisfied, my Mrs. Mid? "

Tong Jihuang looked at him, after listening to his words, there was a loss, but it was not completely comfortable, she frowned, "What kind of girl do you like?"

Mo Queu lips were light, smiled and said, "I like personality, fierce, fierce and natural cute, she has a gentle side, there is also a small emotional stagger, she is personal The ability is particularly strong, and the girls who have a fatal charm between them. "

Monastery said, look at her seriously, "Well, like you, I like it."

Tong Jihuang was said by him, the small face began to red, she looked at him, "Mo Jue, you are boasting me or damaging me?"

What is the fierce and natural cute?

Is this a boast?

This man, damaged her.

Is it a happy or happy?

Mo Qi Looks that her face gradually eased, he said slowly, "Mr. Mr., how can Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. You will be damaged, hmmped?"

Low alcohol magnetic voice dragged a long tail.

Let the Tong Jiu Milou can't live.

"Mo Qi." She shouted his name, and suddenly.

"Well?" Mo Qi's warm sound should have.

Tong Jihuang suddenly seriously, she was sincere, seriously speaking her true thoughts, "I will give you life, not to see you with other opposite sex, this point you have to keep in mind "

"Well, in my heart, the wife is the first." Mo Qi said seriously.

I thought about it, I feel that an answer is too pale, he stops the car aside.

"How do you park it?" Tong Jiemou looked at him to park and asked in confusion.

Mo Qi squad, then took out the computer, after opening a hot network, revised the President of the Mr. International Group.

Mr. Mo Jue, married, married, May 20, 2018, married, wife's world-level kitchen, ninem, and two children.

The Mo Jue is really solved and any opposite sex in a minute.

After the modification, he handed the computer to the Tong Jiu Mo, and the warmth asked, "Mrs. Mao, do you think this?"

Once his information is modified, he will advertise the world.

He is a business unique, and it is an object that everyone admires.

Tong Jihuang looked at his personal information, all of her wrony, instantly, thus filled with a warm feeling.

Her ear has been slightly red, said, "Do you have a private social account? Those who have also been revised."

"Yes, but basically useless." Mo Jue said.

I have applied for one in the university, and occasionally log in to the webpage, it is basically not available.

When Mo Jue said, he began to land some webpage, change the name, change the information, and the avatar also replaced photos on their marriage certificate.

Tong Jihuang looked at it, full of black lines, and embarrassing, frowning, "Mo Jue, do you put this avatar?"

Which person uses the documents to do avatar?

I am afraid that only steel straight men do this?

PS: Two thousand ask for a monthly ticket ... ... The old aunt begged for the monthly ticket, everyone!

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