The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 517 is cheated by his son (ask for a monthly ticket!)

Tong Jiu Milou looked at him means that he didn't have a good look. He couldn't help but forth his brows.

Three meals a day!

Mo Qi smiled very nature, and the handsome face was filled with puzzle, "Momo, I can support it three meals a day, how can I think?"

"..." Children's nine eyebrows are light.

Is it what she thinks?

Or is she too polished?

She suddenly lungs, the ears sounded the magnetic voice, "or, if you think that day three meals, I want to be my physical fitness, but I can satisfy you."

Mo Jue was locked with her, asked softly. "What do you think?"

"Not very! Very good idea!" Children's nine foated red.

Will she actually have a mistake?

However, this man just told her that he said and what he did not.

"Okay, let's go home." Mo Qi opened the car, smiling deeper.

"You drive carefully, don't look at me ..." Tong Jihuang felt that his eyes were all in her face, she was awkward.

Mori Qi Juan immediately retracted his eyes on her beautiful little face, listening to his wife, "Well."

The strange is prepared for them to the wedding room near the old house.

Driving is about ten minutes.

Not far is not too far.

The car slowly entered a manor and the last car stopped at the door.

Mo Jue was turned off and went to her. When I gave her a car door, protect her get off.

Tong Jiumo looked at the magnificent manor before the eyes, looked at him in confusion. "This is ... Where?"

Mo Jue looked at her doubtful little face, laughing down, after closing the door, took the things bought by the shopping mall from the reserve car, and I have been going to the door to go.

Tong Jihong saw he didn't answer her. She asked behind him, "Mo Jue, where are you going to pull me?"

Mo Jue was warm and happy, stopped, watching her, "our new home."

" -"

Tong Jiu Mo did not fight against his strong chest.

Mo Qi Luo quickly reached out and took her slight waist, "Be careful!"

Tong Jiumo was hit by Mars.

Looking at him with a forehead, I looked at him. "Don't you say it?"

Mo Jue looked at her to have a pain. He quickly reached out and smashed her forehead, leaned over, kissed her forehead, full of pity, "Give your baby a blow."

Tong Jiu Dieyi, did not dare to confuse his eyes and looked at Mo Jue.

Is such a naive behavior, is Mo Qi?

Mo Qi was discovered her surprised eyes, he also stunned, and found himself to do some movements that did not meet his identity.

"How can you know how to blow it?" Tong Jiu Mo looked at him in a horrible shock.

She and my son will do this action.

Mo Que is slow, and it is said, "My son learned."

It is indeed a son church him.

When I was injured, I made a blow, so it would be fine soon.

"This is a little child." Tong Jiubo reminded him.

He is actually true.

Mo Qi Jue has a cold face.

There is no expression on a picture, "Then I am cheating by my son?"

Tong Jihong nod, "Well, it is."

Tong Jiu Mo suddenly found that his son was black, cheating a stranger, and Yan Qi didn't know.

PS: The next chapter has meat! I beg you for the baby's monthly ticket ~ for the last two days, I want the monthly ticket ~

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