The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 521, the first day of the newly margin, quarreling (seeking a monthly ticket!)

Tong Jihuang is excited, "What do you delete my friend?"

Mo Jue is a face of vinegar, "Where is this friend? Stained is to pursue my wife's stinky man."

"You ... really naive!" After the Tudo Milo heard his words, he didn't say anything in an instant. "They are really my friend."

Newly married first day, quarrel?

Mo Jue did not have a boy, and looked at her face. After her explanation, his face also eased down, and put the mobile phone to Tong Milo, "Wife, I am afraid that others will seduce you." "

Tong Jiu Mo listened, very speechless.

But the gas is also eliminated.

This man has 10,000 methods to make her angry, but can also forgive her because of a sentence.

Really served!

Tong Jiu Mo was full, said, "I am full, you slowly eat, I will go home first."

Tong Jiumo took a mobile phone and called his son.

"Do you speak home?" Mo Qi looked at her, the eyebrows moved, and she asked her.

Tong Jihuang and his son are connected, "Baby, Mommy will go home, are you at home?"

Tongle music received a phone call, a face, "Mommy, I am in the school, your newlywed night, what phone?"

Tong Jiubo is a bit embarrassed, the son actually moved to the school?

So fast?

Then what excuses she find?

"Baby, Mummy will go home." Tong Jiumei's voice is mentioned.

Tongle Lele knows that this is the excuse of Mommy. Tongle is said, "What is going back? Everyone is married, there is a husband, where is the husband, where is the home! I am not good It is easy to look forward to getting married, don't you come to you, if you don't work hard to make money. "

Tong Jiucao teeth, but smiles, "Baby, what are you talking about."

Tongle said, "Mommy, you and Mo Qi have passed your two worlds, I and my as little baby is hard to clean for a while, Mommy, do not disturb the other party is a kind of respect," I respect you, don't go, you have to respect us. "

Tong Lele said, there is no waiting for him to talk, and hang up the phone.

After the child's Jiun was hanged by his son, he turned back, and he saw the stranger to stand behind.

She was shocked, but soon slowed the god, said, "My son told me home ..."

"The phone gives me." Mo Qi died his face and reached out to her mobile phone.

Tong Jiubo looked at him in confusion, "What do you want my mobile phone? Will it be to delete?"

She didn't want to give it, but I saw that his face was not very good, he handed him to him.

The Mo Jue is not talking, pick up the phone, and make a back to the name of Aile Xiaobao.

The phone is very fast, and it is very impatient, "Mommy, what are you thinking about! All have a woman, how can you put your son?"

"Ale, I am." Mo Jue said to the phone and heard Tongle's complaints, he looked at the children's nick laugh.

Tong Jihong saw him playing Tongle, she didn't grab the phone, but helpless.

Be lied by him ...

How to explain it?

"Oh! It's ah!" Tongle music on the other side of the phone heard the voice of the Qi Qi, called a special nature, just said, "Dad, what is it?"

"Well, I just want to talk to you, your Mommy doesn't go home tonight, he lives in our wedding room." Momijue said.

"Hey, you have to come up tonight, you have to take out the strength of the man, my mom likes a man who is full of special man! And, asking for live broadcast!" Tongle is badly smiled and said.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket! The meat is stewed, smell the meat flavor ...

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