"Maybe others steal eggs and hen, is it to feel your home eggs and hens cute?" Tong Jiemou looked at him asked.

"I am so handsome, how did I steal me?" Mo Que was asked.

"Eggs can eat, boiled eggs, puppou eggs, scrambled eggs, steamed eggs ..." Children's Jiu Milou did not finger finger, "I like to eat water!"

She likes the egg of the water.

Mo Jue laughed helplessly, she is really a snack goods.

He and she talked so serious questions, and she actually and he said the approach of eggs.

"Right, Mo Jue, your egg is definitely delicious, so others steal your eggs and hens." Tong Jiu Mo suddenly thought about what, looking at him, his eyes smiled two Wheel bending month.

"So blame my egg and hen?" Mo Jue looked at her smoking little face.

Tong Jiimo nodded, "Well, it is. So cute will be seen by people, and when is this?"

"It is about ten years ago in the United States." Said the Qustang.

Tong Jiu Milou heard the words, the heart jumped off a piece, flashing some of the pieces of some zero-criterous remembers in the mind.

She looked at him, "Mo Qi, ten years ago, do you remember? It seems that this girl is really important for you!"

Her voice fell, Mo Jue slammed, and his hands were supported, and his hands closed the children's nick tailored to let her pour her due to inertia.

After he quite a good car, he hurriedly explained to her, "Momo, I didn't know that girl, she didn't think about me, but she gave me the impression, I saw her stealing chicken stealing eggs and stealing Flower, let the old seal put some money in the chicken house, she didn't take it, I also told me to call Uncle, my 18-year-old teenager is called Uncle, is it too much? "

Tong Jihuang heard the words, couldn't help but smile.

"Uncle? Mo Qi Que you have long been very anxious? Are you going to your face? Why is it going to grow back now?"

Tong Jiubo raised his hand, pinch him with his 360 degree without dead end!

His skin is really good to have you envy!

"I have been so handsome, it is the little girl who doesn't know what it is." Mo Jue said, "So I still remember her, this wild girl steals chicken, even if I still call me."

"I didn't touch the dog, I touched the cat." Tong Jiimo said.

"I didn't touch the dog, I touched it ..." Mo Qi Donned, deeply staring at her, "How do you know that she is touched?"

Mo Jue is even doubting that she is the wild hoe that does not understand the rules.

Tong Jiu Mo felt, looked at him to explore the eyes, said, "Generally, the chicken will not raise dogs? It will be played ... Purchase can catch the mouse to prevent the mouse to steal eggs!"

After listening to her explanation, Mo Jue suddenly felt quite truthfully.

But he still is very skeptical, "Momo, stealing the egg, stealing the chicken, the flower thief is not you?"

"I have never been to the United States!" Tong Jiu fooled him, "You doubt your wife?"

Mo Qi worried that she was angry, I said, "No."

"You have stepped on a bicycle in the morning, tired? Do you want to go to the pavilion there?" Tong Jiubo shouted the topic, pointed to the pavilion opposite the lake.

"Momo, are you distressing me?" Mo Qi Lu is laughing, and asked.

"No, I see you atmospheric, it seems to be physical strength." Tong Jiumo said.

Does physical strength?

Mo Jue is sinking down.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket! Dear baby ~ please ~

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