The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 539 These are not fake money

And she really can't think of a noble man such as Momi, actually coming to the market.

Even if you really want to buy a dish, you are also going to the large shopping mall.

How can I come to the food market?

"Mo Jue, what do you buy so many dishes? And do you have a vegetables in the vegetable market?" Tong Jiun is very curious, why he will buy green vegetables outside.

Mo Jue, look at her seriously, whispered, "Momo, these elderly people need us more than the banquet of the vegetable market, know?"

Tong Jihuang's heart is moving.

Very touched.

Mo Jue looked at her behind her, there was a two baskets of eggs behind her. He hit a small hand of Tong Jihuang walked over, and the one of the nine of the nine crouched, asked the old man, "the old man, your egg is home. Chicken is born? My wife likes to eat the boiled egg and want to buy her. "

The old man looked at the man who was very popular. It was talking to himself. The whole person was stupid. I made a laughter. I wiped a tears. After half, I said it later, "Yes, this is some The old cocks of the family are raised, and this is some new eggs, 6 dollars a pound, how many pounds do you want? "

"Well, these all have it all." Mo Jue said.

The bodyguards in the side saw the young master to talk about the price, and immediately pay the money.

Mo Jue took ten one hundred pieces directly from the wallet of the report, and handed over the old man, said, "the old man, this money, you are not a fake money."

Tong Jiu Different, looked at Mo Jue.

The old man looked at the red banknote, trembled with his legs, holding the hands of the stranger, "Birman, you are really good! But the grandfather can't want your money! Your egg is about ten pounds , A total of 60 yuan, I have to find 40 pieces. "

"Old people, you are holding, you are hurt, I need this money to see doctors and buy some nutritious products." Said the Moruary.

"But, I can't want your money ..." The old man is very touched.

"Grandpa, you will accept it, we are young, just have received two fake money, we have been crying, our young masters are seen, and they should pay attention to not be good." The bodyguard said.

When the old man listened, he cried and cried and fierce. He had been grateful to Mo Jue.

Mo Qilong took the body of the old man.

Then take the Tong Jihuang away.

Tong Jiu Milou looked at it and was touched to cry.

She couldn't help but hugged a stranger, and the whole face buried into his strong chest.

Mo Qi Yi, I didn't expect that she would suddenly hold him. He asked, "What happened? Is it very tired? Do you want me to go back home?"

Tong Jiumo moved, watching him respecting passers-by, but also to strange elderly, there is love, and the string in her heart is turned.

She sucks his nose and shook his head.

Mo Qilong stood in the same place, let him hug his body.

He can only patiently wait for her to slow.

After a while, Tong Jiumo returned to normal emotions. She looked at many people around him, she pulled the Mo Jue.

On the side of the way, I asked, "Mo Jue, why do you have this kind of move?"

A man like him, it should not know the suffering of people.

He lived in a place where ordinary people could not touch, but he walked into the life circle of ordinary people, so natural, like such a life rhythm every day.

"Silly girl, I just said, the old people outside need us more." Mo Qi touched her small head smiling.

PS: Mono three years old, there is love, know how to live ~ everyone can vote for award reward, he is not ~ What?

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