"How is the same, you are making money! It's so hard to make money, do you want you to cook a cook? If the AUB will let you go home, this man is married? ? You are married, but you are not to do baby. "

Elancing the child's little hand, gently pinch, and the eyes moved in the little hand of Tong Jihuang, "You see you, a pair of little hands and tender, but there is a lot of knife marks. It is definitely what is injured by the cut food? "

The skin of Tong Jiumo, so scar is particularly obvious.

It's a bit of a bit of a pain. "Dad, you don't have an old Chinese medicine friend, a kind of in the home? This kind of scar can you remove?"

"Can! I marry your father, the legs are boiled by boiling water, then your father gave it to , I will use it." Milk milk quickly said.

Looking at the children's Jiu Milou has a little injury, he is sad to die.

"I will contact the old friend immediately, let him do some scake cream." Mr. said, took out the phone, "Hello, the old war, recently the body is good? This is this ... I am a grandchild Not just married, my grandchildren ... um, that is the world famous fence, ah, is your daughter and wife are also her fans? Hahaha, I will talk to you, my grandson, wife ... "

Grandpa Master boasted with his own grandson, but also a variety of blow.

Tong Jihuang heard the words and couldn't shook his head.

"Mom, Grandma, my hand is fine, there is nothing wrong with the scar." Tong Jiumo said with a smile.

"How can you see your hand, more beautiful! It's more beautiful than those who have the handmare, just a few shallow scars, I am distressed!" Chi Yingqing said, "The is not hurting, it is good for a while."

"That ... Thank you, my grandparents, my mom, my mother," "" "" "" ""

"You're welcome!" Said the four treasures of the four treasures.

Mojia Si Treasure and Tong Jihuang have been chatting with a happiness in the living room, sometimes laughing and surprising.

It is astonished in the kitchen to be busy, and it is attracted by the laughter from time to time.

He thought of, but worried about the child's ninemaster.

Tong Jiu Miluo made a heart of the four princes, and then asked them, "Mom and Dad, grandparents, you first take tea to eat, I entered the kitchen to see Mo Jue."

"Hey, Momo, the kitchen is good, let the man do it, we are responsible for chatting." Said that I late Qing put the two men in the kitchen.

"Yes, Momo, this kind of thing makes them do it well, and oh, you can't kitak in the restaurant, let the chef hired, you are just the boss of the restaurant, not working. Milk said.

"Husband, you and Dad don't want to go in the kitchen to help?" Chi Yiqing looked at the stranger and sat in the sofa and did not move.

"I have my son, let my son do it well." Mr. Master said.

The stranger is a little surprised to look at his father, but he quickly said, "Nothing, my son is busy in the kitchen, let my son do it."

This time is surprised by the Tong Dynasty.

Her husband is there so much in a strange?

It's a little pitiful.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket ~

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