The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 557 Young Master, what do you plan?

Mo Qi put down the phone, returned to the room, pulled her into his arms, and slept.

Mo Jue just asleep.

Suddenly woke up.

It is Tong Jihuang crying.

He opened his eyes and looked at her down. "Momo, how to cry? What happened?"

The children cried, the worse, the more cried, and smashed.

Mo Jue was as seen, and quickly got up.

However, when he got up and turned to turn on, the children's nine foam had a pair of hands, holding him tightly, "Don't ..."

Mo Que is listening to her cry, can not help but eyebrows, "Momo, are you doing a nightmare?"

How can she call her, she can't wake up.

Mo Qi is anxious.

Tong Jiu Mo was suddenly breathed, and he opened his eyes. He shouted, "Hey, don't! I didn't grab your husband ... don't! Don't kill my son!"

Tong Jiubo is wakeful.

The body of the Mo Jue is stunned, and the whole person is stiff.

Tong Jiu Milou looked at Mo Jue, she came from her heart, she felt into the ariva of the Qijue, reached out, holding his exquisite waist.

"Mo Qi, I didn't grab her husband, I didn't ..."

Tong Jihuang cried very fierce, dreams, she hurts well ...

Dreaming of Mu Jingqing came back, Mu Jingqing asked her husband, and the mouth said that she took her husband.

Mo Qi reached out and patted her trembling body, said, "Nothing, it's okay, just a dream."

"No ... is not a dream! Mu Jingqing is coming back, it is true ..."

Tong Jiu Mo closed his eyes, full of minds were this dream.

In the dream, Mu Qingqing took the gun to her son to shoot, she went to the husband of Mu Jingqing, if she didn't kill Aile.

The dream is so real, it seems to happen.

"Momo, it's okay, sleep, just after waking up." The Mo Jue is caressing her body and comforting.

In the comfort of the Qi Qi, Tong Jihuang gradually started to sleep.

But she occasionally happened.

Very sad.

Mo Jue is seen, and there is no sleep.

He has been holding a child's nine, letting Tong Jiu Milu sleep steadily.

He wants her to sleep comfortable, who knows him, she holds his body, and I don't want to let go.

He can't help it, can only hold her.

In his arms, she was even more twitching, but she didn't cry again.

It should be no nightmare.

Until the next morning, Jiu Milou woke up.

When Tong Jiu fooled, the big bedroom was empty.


When Tong Jiu foated, I suddenly felt that my mood was so heavy, very depressed.

Did you dream of Mu Jingqing last night?

I don't know when I started, she will dream of Mu Jingqing, I will have a husband to her husband, and let her live.

When I thought here, Tong Jihuang sat up, holding her knees, buried her head on the knee, and suddenly bloomed a layer of fog.


Momi Qi Yue has called the seal.

After the capping house heard the words of the Mo, some slightly, "Master, is it really going to investigate?"

The deep eyes of Mo Qi were in a distance, and they said calmly. "Continue."

"Young master, I said that in case ..." The seal is started to leak sweat on the forehead. Some are sorrowful. ... If you continue to trace it, I find that she is still alive, young master, what do you plan? "

PS: ask for a monthly ticket ~ monthly ticket plus 2 ~

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