The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 564 does not provoke a man with a wife

"A Shen has a wife." Ye Jingri said.

"This is the relationship between having a few fur money?" South Mu Bai is going to be mad by Ye Jingshi.

"He has a wife care, you don't, I don't dare to provoke a wife, how to die." Ye Jingsi said.

"Ye Jingshi! You are owed!"

Southern Mantan said, and Ye Jingri hit it in the pool.

The stranger and the thin couple on the shore, watching the brothers in the swimming pool, can not help but laugh.

Mo Jue turned back, looking at the thin, "How come you? What is it?"

"We are here to see newlyweds." The thin said deeply, "By, I have a meal."

In several brothers, the thin marriage is the earliest, but the children of Mo Jue can soy sauce.

I am also married now.

Thinking that Mo Qi is hard to get married, everyone wants to get together to eat a meal.

"Go in and say." Said the stranger.

The thin tie deeply attacked the house to enter the house.

The two in the pool still do not be able to travel.

Tong Jiubo changed his clothes and looked at the Qi Mojue and walked into the house. She was afraid that he was cold, it was huge, "Do you still change clothes?"

"Well, I will go, you can help to entertain them, you have seen it, this is his wife Mu Xian." Mo Jue said.

"I know, I have seen it." Tong Jiimo said.

Monastery on the building.

Tong Jiubo went to the living room, sitting down next to the sofa and started tea.

Mu Shiji is also a person who is very good and very quiet, and she looked at the children's nine, very envious, "Momo, can I call you this?"

"Yes! Miss!" Tong Jiu Mo smiled softly.

Mu Mu Mu said, some little excitement, she looked at the nine Mo, "Momo, I listened to A Shen, said that you are also æ23 this year?"

"Well, just 23 years old, what happened?" Tong Jiu Milou poured two cups of tea, handed a thin and ...

"Then you are really powerful! 22 years old, I took my double doctoral position! Or the world famous kitchen! You are really my idol!" Mu Mu Tun, said, "I always thought that I am already learning." I tyrann, but I am more than you, I am really a somewhere! "

The achievements of Mudges have excellent.

However, compared with the child's ninem, it is really worth mentioning.

People are the famous doctors in foreign universities!

"Missing, Momo, she will also live birth." The thin stunned the body of the time, said softly in her ears, "her baby is super cute, knowing ä."

Mu Mun remilled quickly, staying against his lips, "I know what you want to say! You want me to have a child! I am very painful! I don't want to be born!"

"Mind, but we have been married for many years ... I also want to be a father." The thin is deeply eye-catching.

"I haven't completed the study yet." Mutin said.

"That doesn't have children, then we talk about couple life, get married for many years, you didn't let me touch you ..." The thin is deeply frowning.

After that, he didn't touch her, and the light is looking at it, it can't be eaten.

I have been living for several years.

"I still have a student! You don't hit me!" Mu Mu Tie face red ear, "and you are metamorphosis, how can you say this before Momo!"

Tong Jiu Mo foys did not hear.

Fortunately, the Mo Jue is not at the scene, if it is in the scene.

"You have already trained." The thin tits are deep every day.

Just waiting for her graduation.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket

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