The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 566 When did I raise a stomach?

Mo Jue is smashed, but he didn't eat.

Mo Jue also saw his expression, she continued to give him a meat, "Mo Qi, you try, I like to eat spicy, we are married, I have to eat together, I have no spicy, either You should adaise it earlier, either you eat, anyway, I will not quit your spicy. "

Mo Qi Lu hit the lips smile, "Who said that I don't spicy?"

"I have eaten a few meals with you. I have never seen you have moved chopsticks." Tong Jihuang asked while eating vegetables.

Mo Qi Yu's bottom floating a smile, "You like to eat spicy, I can't bear to eat," "

Tong Jiu fooled him, "..."

Mo Qi picked up the chopsticks and put a small piece of she made a good meat.

Throughout the text, I was worried about shouting, "AUB ..."

The Qi Quanjue broke the cold knife and scared the thin tailored.

Tong Jihuang is just a faint, and she knows that Mo Jue is not spicy.

Mori Qi Jue has a small piece of fat, there is no ingredients, I have already drank two cups of water, and I still cough.

Ye Jingshi looked at the thin, the thin, the millennium, and the stunned, "A deep, don't you eat a spicy? When did you develop a triant stomach?"

"Training is out." The thin run is very proud, holding chopsticks to fish, fish, fish, you like to eat.

"Warrior! Sure enough, what kind of wife is going to adapt to what kind of life! Equish master! I have been checked, this store is the most spicy family in the city ... You eat each other, 6666!" Ye Jingsi I admired, I didn't dare to eat chopsticks.

But the brothers came out to eat, can't come.

"Why don't you eat?" The thin breath of herbs.

"I saw the full river red chrysanthemum is a spicy!" Ye Jingri said, I also moved my body and adjusted the underlying posture.

"Don't you really don't have a spicy? A deep?" South Mu Bai also wronned a bit.

"Well, I really don't have a spicy." The thin tie is delicious.

"Give the big boy." South Madao took Ye Jingshi's smoke and handed the deep depth of the company.

"I have quit smoking." The thin said.

"True! The man who can't quit the smoke, there is nothing to do." Nancu Bai said, look at the Murm, "Xunzi, said with you, you Be careful to point your husband. "

"He didn't dare to do things about me, be careful, I divorced him." Mutal Trinity did not look at a thin thin.

In order to take care of Mo Jue, Tong Jiun can only compromise, ask, "Who don't eat spicy? This is a pot, this is not spicy, you can rest assured, you don't do it, drink water, eat Hot pot. "

"What is the pot?" Ye Jingshi did not understand.

"It is designed to be designed to give some spicy people. On the side of a spicy, while not spicy, the thin tasty is not spicy." Tong Jiumo said.

Just now, Ye Jingri and South Mu Bai, who have worshiped the film, and brush a white.

"The thin, your stinky boy is dare to dominate us!" Ye Jingshi said.

The thinness is not as good, "" Your eyes are ignorant, didn't you see this pot is not a milk white? As long as you don't touch the chili sauce ... The hot pot is really a good thing. "

"I also boast IQ180 or more, and I can't even see it."

Ye Jingri and South Madai shot chopsticks.

They are also wondering, they are very picky, especially for half a little.

Who knows that Mo Qi and a deep wife are all breathtaking, directly bringing them to eat a spicy hot pot.

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