Mo Qi Super wants to listen to her asked him a husband, he has not imagined countless times, and the light is thinking that she is a husband, his heart itchy.

Tong Jiu Milo is not a stranger, but she can feel the stranger is on her body.

After she took photos, she didn't do things, she was so embarrassed, she took out a small box of chocolate from the bag.

She ate a small piece and felt that she had eaten very bad. She took a small piece, handed it to the mouth of the stranger, ", give you."

Mo Jue, I didn't expect that she would give him chocolate, he smiled slightly, open his mouth to bite the chocolate and her forefinger and thumb.

Tong Jiu Mo finger abdomen was touched by his lips, like electric shock, she quickly smashed.

The index finger is tightly bitten by Mo Qi.

Her heart was also biting him, heart paralysis.

She looked at his deep eyes, scared quickly, and smashed the chocolate box panic.

On the ferris wheel, Mo Jue has not yet letting any opportunity to play his little sweet wife, not to touch the head, is a hair of her hair, occasionally stealing her cheeks, holding her little finger in playing .

Tong Jiu Milry has hid his little actions, let's think about it, she is married, he wants to do some excessive things to her. It is also reasonable.

So the last sure is not hiding, and it is not as good as it is.

But his big hand has excessive ideas, she will slap.

The ferris wheel sat in another circle.

At the last circle, Mo Jue held her little hand.

Tong Jiuyu saw him, looked at him.

Mo Qi's eyes look deep deeply.

Tong Jiemu felt a little strange, she casually said, "Mo Qi, do you know? I heard that the ferris turn is the highest, as long as a couple kisses, it will be blessed with the starry sky, forever Oh."

Mo Jue, I watched her, I laughed and smiled, he looked out, when the ferris turned to the top, he held her jaw, poured her body, kissed her lips.

Tong Jiu Daiyi, the eyes are fans, "Mo Qi, you ..."

Mo Qi kissed her, after a while, she left her with her lip club, and the eyes looked at her.

"So can we get the blessings of the starry sky, will be together?" Mo Jue asked.

Tong Jihuang's heartbeat, "Mo Qi, what do you do?"

Suddenly pro.

"I want to be blessed by the starry sky, and you will always be together.

Tong Jiu Daiyi, glaring at him, "How is your person so childish, I just said."

She is just afraid of the atmosphere, and if she says it.

"Wife's words are the purpose, husband must strictly implement it." Mo Qi touched her small head.

"Mo Qi, I remember the tunnel ocean hall, I want to see." Tong Jiuchen just went to the webpage, see a tunnel ocean hall.

"Okay." Mo Jue nodded.

After a ferrous wheel with her, I went to the tunnel ocean hall.

When they visited the ocean hall, people came to, and Mo Jue took off the black suit outside, put on the shoulders, and the one-mik nine was standing in the crowd, abnormal outstanding.

There is a kind of lazy handsome.

Before entering the ocean hall, Mo Jue bought two cups of milk tea.

He raised two cups of milk tea, holding her little hand in hand, follow her body.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket ~

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