The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 573 is a warm male like her son.

Mo Jue was not sounded, and she came out of the tunnel vast house and walked to the direction of the mall.

At a brand sports shoes franchise store, a pair of white sneakers have been put on.

He half squats, while giving her shoes, "I came out later, I was not allowed to wear more than three centimeters high shoes."

Tong Jihuang heard the words, stunned, "Well, I know."

For the first time, someone told her not to wear high heels.

Her son also called, but she is not a matter.

It was said that he was so warm by Mo Qi.

Mo Qi looked up and looked at her. It was so well-behaved. He couldn't help but got it. He supported his body on both sides of her body. He was about to kiss her.

Tong Jihuang was scared to be a small face, and he quickly reached his hand to refused his chest, saying, "What do you want to do? There are so many people here!"

I looked around in the left and right, I found out more.

He put her high heels into the shoe box and took the bag and took her small hand to the cashier to check the bill.

At the time of payment, the cashier has some little excitement. After the checkout is completed, he shouted the children's ninemore, "Miss Tong ..."

Tong Jihuang heard the words, looking back at the cashier, "What? Is there something?"

"Miss Tong, can you help me sign a name? And a photo!" The cashier glanced over the next side of the stranger who had to live, and asked with courage.

"No." Mo Qi Lu is refused to say.

Tong Jihuang took a few points of his hand, then smiled at the scared cashier, "Yes."

"Thank you, Miss Tong." The cashier is busy handing a delicate book to the Tong Jiimo. "Miss Tong, my mother likes your food show, she is your little fan!"

"Thank you for your aunt." Tong Jiu Moudui is handed over and handed the checkout station.

"Miss Tong, can we take a photo? In this case, my mother will be very happy!" The cashier also made excessive requirements.

"Okay." Tong Jiun smiled and nodded, took the cashier's mobile phone, handed it to a stranger, "helping us take photos, take a picture."

Mo Qi took a mobile phone and took photos to them.

At this time, the clerk of the entire store has flocked, and there are people who have the signature of Jiubo.

And Mo Jue was just a photographer.

After the signature took the photo, the stranger can leaving his little sweet wife.

While he was walking, knead her arms and wrist.

Tong Jiu Milou looked at his movements, the lips were slightly smile, laughed, said, "Mo Jue, you are really a warm man."

Like her son.

Every time I went shopping with my son, her son is like a little old man, and this is a stunned.

Will also give her a bag and help her shoulder.

Just like a stranger.

Sometimes I think about the shadow of a lot of son on the stranger.

Unattended people, I thought they were father and son.

Under the high-cooled appearance of Mo Qi, it turned out to hide a warm man.

"Your girl is really a lot of rules, do you like to observe people?" Mount Mo Jue was also hung by her words.

But the warm male is called, he likes it very much.

Prove that Momo cares him and observed him on secretly.

Very firm to him.

When I thought here, his heart was warm.

"It is you doing too much. It's not the eyes of girls around the surrounding gods. I didn't find that you still have a warm man." Tong Jiumo pointed at the surrounding environment.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket ~

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