The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 575 Along is already married

"Well, even the sound is like." The woman smiled and said.

"Mu, Mu Jingqing, you ... you ..." Chi Eyi Qing parsed to his former savior, she couldn't disguise, especially when I saw Mu Jingqing, she lost his eyes, she was deep. I am sorry.

Even the high compensation is made to her and Mujia.

But she is always good, or it is still unable to deny knowing her late.

Mu Jingqing squats, slightly eyebrows, the sound is slightly excited, "Mom, Mom ... Is you?"

This mad, called late, the whole person, is stunned.

When she wanted to explain clear, Mu Jingqing asked excitedly, "Mom, Arck? Where is he? Is he forgotten me?"

Eating the eyebrows, I don't know how to answer.

At this time, there was a nervous and rushing voice behind him. "What is the ice, how long you have, it's ok ..."

When the body, I wanted to see my wife, he didn't come out, he came to find a late break.

I haven't finished it, I'm also in the woman, when I saw a woman with late break, the whole person stunned, "Mu, Mu Jingqing?"

"Dad!" Mu Jingqing heard the voice of a stranger.

The stranger has no bound eyebrows, says, "late, you want to call me uncle, or the mother."

"Dad, why? Is Alpisher him ... married another woman?" Mu Jingqing's voice trembled.

"Late Qing, how come you here? What happened six years ago, you are not ..." Chi Eyi and the top the topic asked Mu Jingqing.

She is worried about Mu Jingqing will find the trouble of Momo.

She also knows the relationship between Mu Jingqing and Momo.

If you let Momo know that you can alive, although you can reduce your sense of guilty in Momo, it will also make a stiffness of the relationship with Momo, or even break the relationship.

When I think about it, I will be uncomfortable, and I have a pain.

"I was saved six years ago, I have suffered from myself, but the doctor has been stimulating my memory. I have remembered myself in the past few days. I will come back." Mu Jingqing crying Tao, "Parents, you told me that Aub is not getting married? Why is I got home, have it to hear about Mo Jue?"

The late break is deeply absorbed, and the shoulders of Mu Jingqing, saying, "late, AUB is married."

"No! It's impossible! You promised me, will let him marry me!" Mu Jingqing said, just smashing his face, crying, squatting.

The stranger and the late break look at each other.

Early ice, help the late Qingqing, "Where do you live now? We will send you home."

"I was originally a hotel, but others bullied me is a blind man, I stole my things, my money was stolen, I didn't have place."

Mu Jingqing and crying, "I want to return home, but I have heard that Mumen is eliminated, my dad is unknown."

Especially ice clearly looked at the stranger.

"Let's go, we give you a hotel to stay, cost us." Chi Yingqing said.

Mu Jingqing, but she holds the hands of the late break, "Mom, can you take me to see Arck? He is my fiance, I want to live with him, I don't want to live."

"But Arck has been married! He can't marry you again!" Delayed ice frowning, don't want to bullify the sunny.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket

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