The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 577 can't let them talk separately

Esicular and strange use a lot of strength to use a lot of sunny sunny at the hotel.

When I was late, Mu Jingqing was still holding the hands of the late break, and the sound was trembling, "Mom, do you really take AUB to see me?"

Chi-ice nod, "Well, I will tell Aub, you are still alive, let him see you and talk to you, but late, please don't call me in the future ... not suitable."

An uncomfortable, the late hands of Mu Jing, the hands of the late break, and the ice is clear, and even the hand is busy, and they will leave the stranger.

"Said, you have a good rest in the hotel, I have commanded the hotel, what do you need to satisfy you."

Said that I'm coming back to the door.

Hurry and leave the hotel without a stranger.

After getting on the bus, the late face of the late break is very dignified.

The stranger reached out and holds a small hand of the late break, saying, "Nothing, don't worry."

Especially ice cool is cold.

When she was trembling, she looked at the stranger who was driving, "I have no borders, really don't matter? Momo and late relationships are so good, if the evening is in the front of Momo, the Moster and A The marriage of the Jue is here. "

"Will n't, AUB will not make this kind of thing." The stranger is comfortable, "You don't say Momo called, said that the arrival of the marriage certificate, with an AUB The personality is certain will not reissue the marriage certificate. "

"There is no marriage certificate, they can't be can't."

The heart of the late break is panicked. "Can you say two words divorced? I am afraid ..."

She thought that everything was smooth, who knew that Mu Jingqing suddenly resurrected?

"What are you encountering." Chi Yi Qing felt very troublesome.

The stranger is comfortable, "The only comfort now is that the AUB and Momo have been married, and the relationship between husband and wife is here, this layer is related, there will be no such thing."

The late break is deep and a deep eyebrows, and a face is worried. "Fortunately, if you have sunny, you may be late ..."

This is the only lucky one.

"I blame me, how can I say that kind of thing?"

She was infected by the voice of the girl, and the voice sounded so that people pity.

"This is not blame you." Mo has been comforting a late break.

Bally, it is red, "Do you want to tell Aub?"

I nodded, "I want to tell Aub, let Along have mental preparation."

"Is that made AQ to talk to Mu Jingqing alone?" Chi Bing is clear.

"We are going to stand, how can they let them talk separately?" Mo did not support the steering wheel in one hand, soothered in one hand, "Don't worry, I will now drive to the manor and I will talk about this. "

"Well." Chi-ice nodded and closed his eyes.

It's not worried about it.

When she is hitting the sunny, she is already worried.

At the manor.

Mo Qi saw his parents arrived, and some doubts.

Especially in seeing the mother's eyes, I asked, "Mom, are you okay?"

Chi Eyi clearly looked at Mo Qi, hesitated for a while, said, "Aub, Mom is sorry for you ..."

"Mom, what do you say, you have not sorry for me." Mo Qi squad, holding the next break.

"Aisu, Mu Jingqing is still not dead ..." Chi Bing is clear and said.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket

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