Tong Jihuang small hand lifted down, refused his chest, frowned, "Momi Qi, you are really not face, where you are pet, you are distinguished."

How many days?

She was tanded every day to death.

Mo Qi held her chin, lifted slightly, he lowered his head and kissed her small face and lips.

The morning sun shines in, and projected on the handsome face of the Mo Jue, it appeared very charm.

He has a big hand, and his lips, the voice is low, "Momo, I only like you."

In order not to let Tong Jiubo hard, I will send a few maids to the manor.

When Tong Jiu Milou went downstairs, the maid had already made breakfast.

When they were dining, I heard the kitchen commentary.

"Who is these people boring! Our young masters and less grandmothers don't know how to love! How can you see others!"

"what happened?"

"Someone is discussing when the young master is divorced! It's awkward!"

"Nerve disease! Our young grandmother, less grandmother, don't know how many happiness!"

"No! The mind is really sick! It's really a full of trouble!"

After standing next to the table, he heard the kitchen's voice, the look was white, whispered in my heart, so loudly, young grandmother has got up!

Mo Jue's words, Shen Sheng asked, "What are they talking about?"

"Young master, nothing!" The maid was scared, and almost tipped the dish.

Mo Qi got up and went to the kitchen.

Two maids who are talking to the kitchen, when they see the young masters who have seen the tall, they quickly lowered, "Young master!"

"What are you talking?" Mo Qi saw two servants hidden behind the mobile phone behind him, and asked.

"No, there is nothing ..." the maid did not dare to look up.

"Take the phone." Mo Qi Yue coldly commanded.

"Yes, it is ... Young master." The maid was shocked and quickly handed the mobile phone.

Mo Qi took a mobile phone and brushed a few times. Seeing the news all the gossip of Jiubo.

Even when I am betting him and Toy Milled when I divorced.

Mo Jue's face gradually sank down, and it is terrible.


You divorce!

You all note your life!

All just married and divorced!

He and Momo will not divorce!

Mo Qi Due directly fell to the mobile phone, "look back to find old reimbursement."

Tong Jihao heard the voice of the things, she walked over, looked at Mo Jue, asked, "What? How do you suddenly send so big?"

His temper looks, really feels terrible.

Mo Qi walked to the restaurant, picking up his mobile phone, playing a call, "old seal, giving me the online water army server, deleting all topics."

Tong Jiuyao listened to his and seal the tutor's call content, curiously picked up the phone, brush the web.

See hot search, can not help but eyebrows.

Mo Jue turned back, looked at the Toyo Milo looked at the gossip news.

His face has a shock, and the phone takes over her hand.

Tong Jiu Mo went to him.

"Let go, I want to see." Tong Jiu Mo looked at him with innocent eyes.

"It's all boring gossip, don't look." His face is sinking.

"I feel very interesting, just boring can be seen." Tong Jiumo took the mobile phone, and then didn't look at it without anything, "Mo Qi, I don't know if you still have so many black powder, actually I am betting you When is it divorced.

PS: It's really cold ... cold JIO can't think about it ... ask for a monthly ticket ~

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