The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 700 How do you know this man?

The stranger stepping on the throttle, the speed is very stable.

"How come you come?" Tong Jiucao is trembled, "Is it very safe? Why can Ye Yehan come in?"

When she saw Ye Yushan in the manor, she had been tricking.

Especially when you are in Ye Yethan, she is even more fear.

Until the Mo Queu appeared, she hailed the heart.

If he is not driving, she wanted to pounce into his arms, holding him tightly for comfort.

Mo Que is sinking.

A suspended heart is also loose.

When I knew her something, he even lost.

The first time I thought is that Ye Yehan took the child's ninem.

Just use a few minutes to find out where Ye Yushan's home address is here.

Mo Qi reached out of her little hand, tightly in his arms, and his eyes were dark, "Momo, how are you?"

Tong Jihuang's hand was smashed by him, and he felt that his heartbeat was very fast.

She said, "Mo Qi, he didn't do anything for me, just took me away from the manor, he won't do what I did, just ..."

Tong Jihuang suddenly doned, bite the lower lips and said, "Just he has been forced to divorce me with you."

The heart of the Qijue is ringing.

Forced to divorce her and divorce?

This kind of leaf ink is also made!

"Momo, I am sorry, I didn't do it well." Mo Qi said sorry.

Tong Jihuang looked at him that was driving, whispered, "Nothing, he pursued me for so many years, I didn't agree him, I didn't feel anything to him."

The face of the Qi Quan's face is getting over, "What do you say? He pursued many years?"

"Well, we have known many years." Tong Jiu Mo's eye is light.

"How can you know that kind of man?" Mo Qi asked.

"Comfortable, but I didn't have to talk to him." Tong Jiu Milou looked at him seriously, "Mo Jue, how would you dispose of Ye Yehan?"

"If I kill him, how do you think about me?" Mo Jue asked.

Tong Jiu Mo felt, and then said, "Killing is a crime, not allowing you to do this."

"Then you are distressed him?" Mo Qi looked at her asked.

"I feel bad, if you do something, what do I do?" Tong Jihuang's fingers bent down, screaming on his chest.

"I can punish him some lessons."

"Let him go, how is it?" Mo Ji asked.

"This idea is good, but you have to be careful, Ye Yushan is not a simple figure, must be careful." Tong Jiubo said, "I don't want you to be revenge, accident because of me."

"I will never be a victorious enemy." Mo Jue Jueji screwed and said.

Tong Jiu Mo, "What is your hatred with him?"

"Business." Mo Queu said.

"Mo Qi, you still have black?" Tentong knew that his industry involved in all walks of life.

He also involved in the road.

If her son will not directly acquire Montana Sworming Company.

She heard Ale and Acus said that she acquired a few arms of arms of the Qustu.

This man is really full of gunpowder, dangerous.

"In addition to the business of the dead, no career is involved." Mo Qi said to her, "I didn't scare you?"

"Then, why don't you ask me how to know between my and Ye Yushan?" Tong Jiu Milou took the back of the sea, "Mo Jue, I and Ye Yushan ..."

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