The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 718 is unwilling to love Momo

Moreover, Tong Jiubo's people in the organization are better.

Who if there is any difficult, she first came out to help, and she also watched the like.

Tong Jiubo is also very good to her.

Because of it, when she went to an AIDS critical illness area, the villager was infected with AIDS. When she was fighting with people, she was hurt, and she had a lot of blood.

The person who has been killed by her is infected with AIDS afterwards.

So when she returned to the organization, everyone stayed away from her weight.

Even the people who have been organized by the child and Ye Yushan are separated.

Qingyi and Ye Yushan are important to the organization.

Only the Tong Jiu Mo fell to take care of her seriously injury and her high fever.

Because she couldn't afford to fighter, organize people to destroy her, and Tong Jiucao came in and saved her, and she brought Sophie. She didn't infect AIDS, and the organization relieved her ban.

Tong Jihuang and Sophie have helped her when she is most critical, and placed their own life.

Momo's kindness and enthusiasm, let her like it.

She also felt the care and love of strangers from no blood relationships in addition to their care.

In her most fragile, in danger of danger, the organized person thinks about the way to destroy her, others are also away from her, a girl with her, but she is not depressed, careful.

Ye Annie remembered the previous things, the eyes were wet.

She slowed down, watching Ye Yushan, "A Han, I don't want because you died in the death of Momo, and let me have embarrassing the relationship between me and Momo."

She once also wants to match Ye Yushan and Momo.

Before the Qi Qi No, the color of her brother, but she saw that the premiere of the handsome man, Ye Yushan did long a beautiful face.

Ye Yushan has a delicate facial features, looks beautiful, has a unique temperament, his contour lines are soft, but the eyebrows have a little hard and Jun Xiu.

Even the beauty that transcends gender characteristics, and perfect interpretation of the multi-charm of soft in soft.

She sometimes is a pity that Ye Yehan is not a girl.

Ye Yushan has a crazy cruel gene!

The cruelty, indifference is ruthless, but it depends on the focus of cultivation and like.

The length of his handsome is not met.

As such leaf ink, it is only a soft to the ninem of the child.

Ye An An is very understanding of Ye Yushan and Children, so I know that Ye Yushan will wait for a lifetime, and Tong Jiubo will not choose his, and he is not suitable for Momo.

"Is it still a sister? I like Momo, I always like her. From the first day of her, I like her, my love for her, I have continued until now."

Ye Yehan has always remembers how he loves the child's ninem.

I remember how long he has learned from Momo.

Tong Jiemif was 11 years old to organize, she and Momo have been in the organization for 6 years.

I have been 13 years now!

He has already met 13 years!

He loves Momo for 13 years!

He can accept Momo has always rejected his love, but he can't accept the fact that Momo is married!

And still married his death enemy.

Momo will not be happy with Mo Qi.

And how can Mo Qi love Momo like him?

PS: ask for a monthly ticket

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