The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 725, 19 years old, have children?

"Momo, your husband is really good, navigation must interfere."

Ye An is not hired to spit, "Momo, I investigated your later situation, do you have children?"

Tong Jihuang did not intend to conceal Ye An'an, nodded, "Well, my baby is five years old."

"Isn't you born children in the age of 19?" Ye An An asked.

"Well." Tong Jihong nodded.

"Momo, the news said that you and Mo Qi Qi have met a few months, the baby ..." Ye Anni frightened and asked in confusion.

"Baby is him, we have been in the past, I went to London after giving birth to the baby, recently, and he met him in the subway." Tong Jiubo simple explains the experience of these years .

"I don't know that he is a baby's father, and it is also known recently."

Ye An An listened, full of shocking, "Momo, accident, is it the accident of Mu Jingqing?"

Tong Jiu Mo squatted down, looked at Ye An, eyebrows, "How do you know?"

When I remembered, when I remembered Ye Yen, he and she said to be a sunny thing.

Ye An An is like this, it should also know the interior.

She nod, "Well, I am related to her."

"When I organized, I didn't like the late Qingqing, the whole person selfish, I said that you don't believe it, you are too kind, the ear is too soft too easy to believe in people!"

Ye An'an looked at the children's ninem, a face concerned, "Momo, I know that people are right, but if others are not this, I will not compile a reason to deceive you, this is the benefit of me. What about it will only make you feel that I am a person who chews the tongue. "

Tong Jiu Mo nodded, said softly, "Anan sister, I don't believe you, but I don't want to believe my friend is not the person I know."

Sophie also told her a few times, but she didn't want to believe, I also gave an excuse for Mu Ningqing.

She has been forgiving to the road to Jiamongqing, but she has been using and hurt by Mu Qingqing.

"Momo, you have to remember, people are deceived, after you leave the organization, we don't dare to contact you, since you have chosen a calm life, the people we have in our way, I naturally dare not bother you. "

Ye An'an said, some sad, "I am sorry, we finally have a good voice. After you know you, we will want to see you."

Tong Jiu Milou lips, smiled, "Anan sister, I have been thinking about you many years."

She knows that Another sister is all in the UK.

But she has always hidden her own traces and does not let anyone find it.

So she even after the food star of the BBC TV station, her only requirement is not a face.

She is worried that there will be an accident.

She only wanted to live quietly.

"Then why don't you look for us? You have been in London, England, why didn't contact us? Although we don't dare to bother you, you can contact us when you feel convenient, I also go to TV station many times, we actually So perfectly missed a chance to meet many times. "

Ye Ann reminded himself to do some children's defense programs.

She is all leaving the show, she has not stopped, and she has not heard it.

PS: Search, I recommend two thousand finishes "President is on: new wife, don't make trouble" "The profit of the marriage is overbearing: thin and less," "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " Born two children! "" There is still 10 today! " Two thousand recent cervical vertebrae is not good, the writing is very slow, the fingers are still Ma Ma, and they are trying to knock on the keyboard!

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