The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 740 The world knows that you kiss you.

Tong Jihuang looked nearby, people came to people.

He is also very embarrassed?

Tong Jiu Mo screwed the eyebrows, "Don't go home?"

"No, I want to be embarrassed now." Mo Jue was on his face.


Tong Jiu Mo face is black.

When will Momi, when will Mo Jue?

This will not be in the love of her son?

More and more passes look at them.

It is too high to be too high.

He is also handsome, no matter who looks at it, it will be able to take a look.

How did she get my mouth to kiss him?

The public is under the eyes.

"Mo Qi, we arrived in the car." Tong Jiu Miluo, holding his arms to leave.

Mo Qi Lu is standing in place, not pulled away by her.

Tong Jiubo turned back, staring at him, "What are you doing?"

Mo Jue is spoiled, and his face stretched into her direction.

Tong Jiu Milou looked at him, no way, only picked up the feet, pulled his tie, and kissed his hands.

" -"

Tong Jiucao kissed, the sound is a bit big.

She heard the words and his face was red.

Pull him to leave, "Can you go?"

"Well, yes!" Mo Qi looked at her shy appearance, and the lips raised.

Follow her away.

Just kiss it, she is so shy.

Go back to the car, the little blush of Tong Jiumo to the explosion.

Mo Qi Lu launched the engine, looked at her little hand continued to fan a small face, he smiled and asked, "Momo, you still blush?"

"What do you say? Under the vital public, how can you make me make a kind of thing ..."

The people kisses ...

After returning to the strange.

Tong Jiu Milou heard the laughter in the door.

She looked at Mo Jue, "Husband, what happened at home smiled so happy?"

Mo Qijue is standing under the stone step, after listening to the words of Tong Yimo, laughing, "Momo, what did you just call me?"

Tong Jiu Mo was stunned, "Mo Qi."

She just called him a husband.

His most exciting is to hear her calling his husband.

"Momo, I just heard you calling my husband." Mo Qi is happy like a child, pulling her little hand, "Momo, do you call it again?"

"Not good!" Tong Jiubo went into the house.

Mo Jue is following the body, like a child, "Momo, you call a good time?"

"Not good!" Tong Jiumo entered the house and saw the strange four treasures smiled.

She asked, "Grandpa grandmother, what do you laugh?"

"Momo, you and the AUB hot, I'm holding mobile phones, I am happy to go to the Toyo Milting."

Tong Jiubo asked in confusion, "We are not a big star, what hot is on?"

"Now everyone knows that you and Arck kissed in the park!" The late break is on the chest, and said, "Momo, the year of life, I saw that you and Arck kissed Show Show I am really gratifying! "

Tong Jihai has brought a mobile phone from the back of the late break, "What is deep kiss? What is going on?"

She took the mobile phone and her blush.

Is this not her in the park of the park?

How can I be photographed on the microblog?

"That's this, you see, is it a lot of romance? Full of day petals, more romantic! Kiss kiss under the sky, it is really a good romance." Say.

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