The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 753 Ye Yushan, what should you do?

"Well, she is in the United States, there will be someone to send her here for two hours." Tong Jiimo said.

"That's good!" The seal is rubbed on the same sweat.

Tong Jiu Milou looked at the capping house no day, no day, no night, four days.

She said to the governor family, "Feng Tuist, you will take a break, let me take care of him."

"Less grandmother, young master, how can I sleep?" The happiness is now the most concerned about young master.

"We have to believe that he will not have anything." Tong Jiimo said.

"Well, less grandmother, the young master is troublesometh." The gatekeeper said, "I will go downstairs, Sophie, I will take her to the Institute."

"Well!" Tong Jiou nodded and pushed the door into the chart.

Mo Qi is like a child, curled in the quilt.

The eyebrow is tight into a group.

Tong Jihuang sat down at the bed and wiped him with sweat on his body. His temperature is really hot.

In this way, she also worried that he would accident.

She reached out caressing his handsome face.

The painful Mo Jue, suddenly felt a pair of soft cool little hands to open his eyebrow.

Some people have always taken care of him.

Still speaking in his ear.

Tong Jiumei is holding the big hands of the Mori Qi, put on the lips, learning him to kiss her the same movement, "Mono Qi, I won't let you have something."

Two hours later.

Sophie did to be sent to the manor with a helicopter.

However, it is a coma that is not awake. Sophie.

Tong Jiu Milou looked at Sophie, asked the people who escorted Sophie, "What happened to Sophie? How can she hurt?"

The Sophie head is wrapped with gauze.

"Miss Tong, when we found Sophie, Sophie has been lying in bed. It is not awake, according to us, she should be the head of the head."

Tong Jihuang felt that the world has been rotating.

How could this be?

"How can Sophie have a huge head?" Tong Jiu Mo asked.

"This is unclear, we are only to save Miss Sophie to bring the Tong Miss."

"Thank you!" Tong Jiumo said.

After the helicopter leaves, the child nine foam will make Sophie to the home.

The hopes of the seal homes are eliminated.

Tong Jiubo is also desperate.

"How can this be this! How can Sophie are hurt!" The sealed manager grabbed a hair and a face.

Tan Jiu Milo let the doctor give Sophie.

The doctor has the result, and I am sorry, "Less Grandma, Miss Su is very serious ... It is estimated that it is not awake for a month and half months."

Tong Jiu Milu stood up and walked out of the room.

The seal is also chased.

Just listening to Tong Jiu Milou called.

"Ye Yushan, what do you want to do! Why do you want to make a stranger! You hurry to give me a dehydrate!"

Children's nine foims have to smash your phone.

The phone came from Ye Yushan, "Momo, there is still three days, if you want Mo Jue, you will come back to see me, or I can pick you back."

"You are despicable! You can get me, you actually dare to hurt my husband! Ye Yethan, I hate you!" Children's nine foated her mobile phone, "Ye Yushan, if Mo Jue has three long two short words, I don't Will let you! "

"I hate you!"

For Ye Yushan, the most fear is that she hates him.

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