Tong Jiubo threatens Mo Jue, "Mono Qi, you must support me, I will give you to explain!"

Tong Jiu Milou looked at the seaside and looking for her Ye Yehan. She said to the shipping house of the boat, "the homework! Trouble down back!"

The sealed housekeeper looked at the Qi Qi, and immediately turned the speedboat, "Yes! Less grandmother!"

How many embarrassments in the heart of the station, but now there is only less grandmother to save the young master, can only sacrifice less grandmother.

Even if the young master will blame him, he doesn't matter.

The most important thing is that the young master is safe.

"Sealing the homes, don't let your family know that the Mo Jue is, if not, they will not let me do this."

Tong Jiu Milou looked at the Qi Queu has fallen into a deep coma.

Her tears dropped.

She is tightly holding a stranger.

She didn't know that he would fly to Maldives to find her.

"Mo Qi, you can't have anything, have always been protecting me, now change me to guard you."

The tears of Tong Jiubo, and the tears of the beans were smashed on the handsome face of Mori.

When the speedboat came on the shore, Ye Yen was also noted that Tong Jiubo.

He rushed over, when he saw the man in the children's ninemous, his expression was instantly ambiguous.

"Momo! Is he deliberately taken you!" Ye Yushan saw the children's Jiu Mo, and he sent it crazy to hold the children's nine.

Tong Jiu Milou cried. She looked at Ye Yushan, tears blurred her line of sight, but he said that she said, "Ye Yushan, you will give me now, I promise you."

Ye Yushan looked at him whispered in some men, his heart fierce.

The scorpion has been divided into a different, he is close to his hands, and the sound is deep, "" What conditions promise me? "

This sentence he asked countless times, but he couldn't believe this is true.

He will have the opportunity to be with her.

I didn't want to node.

She now only wants to save the Qi Qi.

Looking at her is hesitant, he knows that she is worried about Mo Jue.

If the Mo Jue is not in the Maldives today, then Tong Jihuang will not become so fragile and unknown.

Tong Jihong saw Ye Yushan, she continued, "Ye Yushan, you said that I like me, don't want to see me sad, but you have this husband, you are tapping my heart, you Such behavior is more hurting my heart. "

Ye ink is shorten, he looked at her, and the low voice sounded in her ear. "Momo, you want to explain, come to my room tonight, this is my house card."

Ye Yehan handed a house card in the past.

Then turn to leave.

Tong Jihuang took a house card and stunned.

The seal house in the side is watching, and it is difficult to fall.

On the one hand, it is a grandmother, on the other hand, the young master!

"Less grandmother, what should I do next?" I have seen the windpiece of heavy wind and rain, I don't know how to choose at this time.

"First Hold Mo Qi to go back to the hotel." Tong Jiimo only wanted to settle the Mo Que.

"Yes, less grandmother!" The sealed house walked over, and the Tong Jiu Milu took the high-powered Mo Jue to the speedboat.

At the presidential suite of Tong Jiubo, Tong Jiu Mo took care of the stranger, one inch, unwilling to leave.

I am afraid that he will have anything.

Until time, I passed a little bit, Tong Jiumo took the house card on the bedside table ...

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