The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 771, such as what you wish, divorce

When Tong Jiu fooled, it was a white.

She moved her body, but she found that the little hand was cleared.

She looked over and saw that Mo Jue was in a good place, she asked nervously, "Momo Qi, are you nothing?"

The heart of the millennium is sinking, "Momo, now you have something, how are you? Do you think is uncomfortable? I am calling a doctor."

Looking at him, he is so tensioned, and the eyes of Tong Jihuang wet.

She shook her head, "I am fine."

"How will I be here?" Tong Jiumo recalled, a little moved, her abdomen stabbing.

Looking at her little face, Mo Jue is just right, "Momo, you don't mess, your abdomen is hurt."

Tong Jiucao thinks that he is sicking, the abdomen is stabbed, and it is a person who is Ye Ye, she can only hide, because the bleeding is too syncope.

She called his son to help.

"How come you here?" Tong Jiu Mo smashed her eyebrow.

"Momo, you are too stupid! How can you find Ye Yehan to give medicine because I want to find Ye Yushan?" Mo Qi I think is afraid.

She is injured because of the window.

"If I don't save you, do you want to divorce you?" Tong Jiu Mo fog is like a wave of light, flourishing a circle.

The ariva of the Qi Dynasty slammed, and the sexy throat slided.

He hurt her into his arms tightly, but she was hurt, he didn't dare to touch her.

Mu Jue can only hold her little hand, tight in the palm, like care for the baby, "Momo, I don't want to be tired."

He didn't give medicine, only divorced her.

Only in this way, he didn't touch her.

How can he bear to let her live in a living?

Tong Jiu Milou took back the hand, slammed, "said that we have signed divorce, don't touch me."

She is very angry.

He did something wrong, nothing to discuss with her, just run away from hiding and not seeing her.

He found it, he also forced her divorce.

So worriery, she doesn't care about him.

Tong Jiu Mid insisted on leaving.

And it is not letting the Mo Jue follow him.

Mo Qi didn't rest assured that she had been following her.

The seal house in the side looks at it, and the young master is self-satisfied.

"Young master, I have said to you, no matter what happens, you don't want to die, you and less grandmother are frankly and less grandmother to leave divorce ..."

Mo Qi is in a cold and glance, "the old seal, there is a bill, I haven't worry!"

The seal is afraid, "Young master, what are you going to be with me?"

"I know that it is dangerous. Do you actually let my wife go to death?" Mo Qi's full face is over.

The tube is a mouth, "Young master, this is the order of less grandmother, I just obey the order, and less grandmother doesn't want you to have something."

Mo Jue is the cold handsome face, instantly cool the millennium.

"If my wife has something pool, I want you to live!"

I heard the children's nine foam. I heard the Qi Qi Qi's homes, she came over, replacing the housekeeper, "You can safely, I have to grateful to the homes, how can you teach him?"

"He almost made you fate." Mo Qi was cold.

"Mo Qi, don't make trouble, it is what I let the homes do this." Tong Jiucao breathed tight, "You are really selfish! I have never thought about me, I have never thought about me, I still have divorce ! "

She is eye whitel, "" Well, I am willing, divorce! After we bridge, Luqiao Road. "

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