"Momo, you have to do anything, but don't you be angry?"

Mo Qi looked at the children's nine foam, he said.

"Then you have disappeared from my eyes now." Tong Jiubo looked at him.

Every time I look up her, she feels that the neck is acid.

"What is you doing so high? Nothing to quarrel with me? Do you know that you don't know if you look up, are you very hard?"

Children's ninemous eggs pick bones.

Mo Qi looked at her with a face.

She didn't say this before. She said that he grew so much power, which made her feel safe, like being protected by prince.

Although the quarrel is quiete, the Mo Jue is not delayed, followed by her.

"Old seal, I did something wrong with Momo to squeeze my height?"

Mo Jue is very unsubstably.

"Of course, when you are the love period, see what is going on, less grandmother is now angry, don't say that you have a high-skinned grandmother's neck, if you say a word, less grandmother is not allowed to think that you have created noise. "

"Is Momo said?" Mo Qi Lu Yanbei.

"This is a woman's patent, in addition to petting, you can move, how can you move?" The sealed house is also the strength to spit his own young master, "Young master, people do husbands, you are also husband, you are really a The husband, how can you make a wrong decision when you are in a critical? "

"Then you don't stop me at the time?" Mo Jue frowned.

"Young master, I have to stop you, you have been forceding me to obey the order, I am also ordered to act." The seal is said.

"What should I do now?" Mo Qi felt that it was still important to recover his wife.

The seal is looked at the young master to follow the grandmother, and said his head and sighed.

Mo Jue is a little, and the handsome face is over.

A cold light sweeps out, "I ask you how to rush to my wife now, not letting you criticize my behavior! Who gave you the courage!"

The daring is fat.

So dare to say him!

"The courage of Liang Jingru." The seal is a little cough and said, "Moreover, that is your wife, you think about it, don't be a fake hand, so you are coming back, I don't know how to cherish."

The capping house is lucky, full of eyes are the light of the drama.


I finally waited for the young master who could see the generals of God.

Less grandmother is so good!

This young master, it is really time to be embarrassed!

"Old seal, I think you are not tired." Mo Jue's cold voice sounded.

He went through the thoughts of the homework at a glance.

I dare to look at his good play!

"Young master, I haven't seen it yet, I can't live impatient!"

When Mo Qi Jue was angry, he saw that Tong Jiu Milou stopped and looked back at this.

He quickly gone angry.

I smile towards the child's ninem.

Tong Jiu Milou looked at him, not give him a good face.

"You know that you will deceive! I have never seen you so bad man!" Tong Jihong saw him to teach the homes, she is not full.

Mo Qi Luo quickly lost laugh, "Momo, I didn't bull the old seal, I am looking at the old blush on the face, I am going to call him to the hospital to Lalai."

"I only see you bullied people." Tong Jiumo did not stand the explanation of the Queon.

PS: Everyone is a monthly ticket ~

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