The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 777, waiting for your good news

"Ash, I thought you won't say so many words." Mo Qi did not dare to look at the stranger.

"It is Aile to give me, he is a small saying, and I want to talk to you to make it clear that you can't come in, this is Mommy's order." Momi, a mummy called special intimate .

The stranger said, it is pushed out in the long legs of the Mori, "Hey, you quickly look!"

"What should I do if I leave Momo? She really wants to divorce you, you don't want you to have a wife?" Mount Mount Queon asked with his son.

"Then go back first, don't worry about Mommy, first let Mommy calm down, I will give you a way to you and Aile." Strange said.

"You and the A Lehui gang?" Mo Qi frowned.

"Of course, Ale can I like money very much, you have money, he will help you." Mr. said, "Hey, you go back to wait for the news."

Mo Jue listened to this, how is it like someone else to interview, then test the official to let go of the notice?

"Ash, then waiting for you and Ale's news." Mo Jue can only make happiness to his son's hand.

"Well, I know, go back." The stranger is very impatient, saying to the stranger.

The stranger is very easy to send the Mo Qi to the hair.

After the sound of the outside sounded, the stranger was put on the chest and walked to the kitchen.

Tongle is going to make a stranger, "You can come away, and you will drive away from Mummy, will you take me away?"

"How can you, you are my baby heart." Stone said, "You let me reunite with Mommy, you are my big benefactor."

And Ale is so cute, it is completely his little treasure!

How can he drive away from Ale?

Ais's baby heart, called the heart of Ale.

"I will forgive you as soon as you are so sweet." Tongle said.

"Call!" The stranger was asked to breathe.

"Ash, what are you exhaling?" Tongle was sealed and looked at the stranger.

"I finally got away." Said the stranger.

"That is your own deeds, you actually pit him." Tongle looked at the stranger.

"You still pit, Tong Pit pits?" The stranger said toward Tongle.

"I only pitted his money, but I didn't pit him. Oh, the pit feelings were more terrible than the pit money, my small dice." Tongle said.

The stranger wanted, and it was unable to refute instantly.

Yeah, he just is a pothole.

"If you think about it, he knows that he knows his beloved baby son, really is very lonely and helpless." Tong Lele has touched a stranger in the mind. The picture is.

"Hey, think about it is quite pitiful! He left the mom, it is also the same, I don't want to be tired, so I will do this." Tongle music learned to divorce The reason, I can't help but give a martial arts.

"Ale, then do you want to help?"

I asked in a stranger.

"At least, I really love mom, I don't want Mommy pain. I think this man is quite reliable." Tongle said, "and tall and mighty, it is really great! Men, really can't find a lantern! "

PS: Next, I will write A Le to dry, immediately put the schedule!

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