The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 780 why there will be two exactly the same strange division

The stranger is squatting, looking at the children's nine, "Mommy, really? You will take a look again."

He has to see a few times a day to see a few times in the face.

"Yeah, let's take a look, I feel like Ale." Tong Jiimo said.

However, it is very similar to it.

Because it is a child.

Tongle is not as she, and the Qi Qi is printed by a typography.

So the stranger and the Aleist are very normal.

Look at the height of the stranger and Tongle music is similar.

It should be in the same year.

That said, Mo Jue is in addition to the seeds in her, also sowing other women.

Tong Jiumo was taken in London, and the days were very fast.

Every day, it is very simple, with two babies, I don't know how happy.

And in these days, the stranger is like a small cotton jacket.

However, she is also very angry.

Mo Qi is really a phone call, no, a text message does not send, and there is no sender to find her!


I have been waiting for my son's good news, and I am still awkward!

Seeing six days in the past, there is no progress in the stranger.

It is a phone call without a call.

If he didn't call him to sprout the military, the stranger forgot him.

The stranger also made him nothing to call, and Tong Jiimo didn't like to hear his voice.

The more I want to be, the more I want it.

The stranger doesn't like him close to Tong Yima.

It seems that it is good?

I think that there is more black faces in the face of the stranger.

He decided to find a stranger asked.

He didn't contact Momo for so long, and didn't know that Momo would really thought he would want to divorce.

The more I think, the more I feel that I feel scared!

Read and this, he went out to drive to find a stranger!

When he called a stranger last night, he said that he would go to the amusement park today.

Mo Qi arrived in the amusement park, four times looking for a stranger and Tongle.

Mo Qi was looking for a half lap and found a small body and shadow.

He stepped over, stopped behind the little figure, "Ash!"

The small body is smell, and I'm looking back, watching the stranger standing in front of the high-powered, ",, how can you here?"

"Surprise?" Mo Jue looked at the son in front of the son in front of the sunglasses on the nose.

"It is scared! How can you here!" Tongle's heart jumped straight, and four times looking for a stranger.

How can you suddenly here?

"I am coming to ask you how to progress? Isn't it to help you chasing mom? Mom? Why didn't you have any news for six days?" Mo Jue was a gloomy and asked.

Tongle is looking for an excuse, "Hey! I am not a way to think about it, Mommy is angry with a small, and the little fairy is angry, which is so easy?"

Still first, I will say that Ash will have, and his identity can't keep it!

Often reforigers often.

Especially the more you don't want to think, the more it will appear!

Remote, there is a shouting sound -

"Ale! Come! I have already bought the turkey leg you want to eat! Super big super fragrance!" The stranger ran over two boxes of turkey legs.

Mo Qi listened to this sound, like a look.

He slowly turned, looked at the son of his son as a model.

Mo Jue is like a strange, and the body is stiff.

Just now this baby is his son Ale?

Why do you have two models?

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