The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 783 When you and Aile I met?

"I can say it."

Tongle music said, doing parent-child identification, Mommy is definitely unwilling.

Mommy doesn't give things, he is absolutely not touching.

Especially parent-child identification.

Mo Qi's brow wrinkled, "It is shortcut to do parent-child identification."

Tongle looked at the Qi Qi.

Mo Qi looked at Tongle's expression, and the swordbood was picking up. "You resist parent-child identification, afraid that you already know who your own is?"

Tong Lele lost a white eye to the Mo Jue.


He and Acupirector have to be exactly the same, can you still see a kind?

Still here again, I'm talking about it again.

Is this bad old man worried that he is not his pro?

"If the parent-child identification, I am not your son?" Tong Lele also picked the next eyebrows.

Mo Qi said, "Who can give you such a lovely smart baby?"

Tongle is not angry, and it is a stranger.

Hello you!

Seeing Tongle Lele knows that he does not speak, Momi has continued, "Is your mommy really tell you the truth?"

Tongle music is very distressed. "I also want to tell you the truth, I really don't know anything."

"Then we do three together to make a parent-child identification." Mo Jue said.

When he saw Tongle and a stranger, his inner heart was excited.

Tongle music, let him know that Tong Jiimo has not born some men.

He never has to eat a jealous vinegar of the wild man.

You don't have to worry about the wild man will come to the Momo.

Never need to worry about the wild man is Ye Yenhan!

He once thought that Ye Yehan was the relative of Tongle.

It turns out, not!

He is!

Mo Ji is in the heart, and there is a cute child like Tongle music, anyone likes.

Tongle is not happy, both hands have a chest, a little proudly said, "Hey, you let me go to do parent-child identification, I have to follow, this baby will be very faceless."

"I told you that the baby's time is very precious!"

"I am not anyone else!"

When I heard Tongle, I heard Tongle music, I floated a smile.

"There is still oh,, my mommy is very angry, you are forcing her divorce, you don't want to be sin, I have to sin, I may say that I will talk to him before my Mommy." Lele is in a stranger, "You know, I am the only heart of the heart, she listened to me ..."

"Ale, don't say it, we still go!"

The stranger is going to leave Tongle.

Mo Que suddenly thought of what, reached out, "Asa, you and Momo, Momo saw you and Aile, she didn't doubt?"

"What is doubting? My face is tailored today, I am playing with Ale last night!" The stranger looked looked at the stranger, "And you are, Momo Mommy is not me." Parents? Why do you ask you before, you denied it? "

"You said that you have to hit the mother, how is it now."

I didn't expect his son.

"I asked you before, I am a son of Mommy. You deny, I think I don't have to help you." Momi, said, "and Mommy is really angry!"

"You are in the potholes?" Mo Que is sinking down.

He still has more doubts, "When are you with Ale, when is it?"

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