After Tongle is happy, I will open the door.

Mo Jue is a glimpse, looking at it, I don't know if Ale or a boy, "you are ..."

"A Le Xiao Babei!" Tongle is not cool, "You don't even have your own baby, how do you do it? People are also asked, how do you excel?"

Even your children are unclear.

"Ale! Thank you for opening the door!" Mo Jue looked down at Tongle music, said grateful.

If you haven't finished it, you will go through Tongle.

He is now in a hurry to find a wife.

When Mo Jue, I went in, I didn't see my wife.

I saw that Acoun sat in the living room sofa and looked faintly.

Mo Qi Tong walked over, "Ash, what about your mom?"

The stranger is drinking things, slowly lifting a stranger, "Hey, my mom is sleeping, don't quarrel her."

"Just, we are secret to letting you come in." Tong Lele took the door to the living room, sat down around the stranger.

"Isn't Mommy let me come in?" Momijue is somewhat lost.

He thought that Momo made him in.

Tongle and the stranger did he made him glance. "You think too much! It is the baby to let you come in to give some opinions."

"What do you mean?" Mo Que is asked.

"Of course, it is the opinion of your wife." Tongle said, "My Mommy is so smart, how is the eyes are so bad, look at you?"

"It's awkward." Mom said, "Mommy loves the moment, Mommy must be blind, or not, you will not fall in love, marry."

"It is! Take Mummy Conditions, want to marry how good men? How can I pick up?" Tong Lele also said.

"I know that your mum loves me because she is blind." Momi Qi Tong is solved by TX, "I don't want you to say Mommy like this."

"Oh." Two Meng Bao Mo Coats nodded.

"I want to see Momo." Mo Qi came in, how many of the treko, Jiubo.

Tongle Lele saw Momi to go to Mommy's room, and immediately stood up and jumped to the stranger.

Mo Qi Yue's eye is fast, when Tongle is jumping on the body, hug firmly, eyebrows, "Ale, what do you do?"

This action is only Aile to do it.

His Ash will not do.

He used to be deceived by Ale.

He also thought that the Agi converter was.

Who knows all the Elf Ghost Ghosts in Ale!

"Hey, what you have to do now, I want to go back to Mommy. If not, Mommy will run with other uncle." Tongle looked seriously, "because you grow like me." Handsome, I am biased, you remember to cheer! Don't let your baby go more! "

"Is there a military division that is don't do it?"

"I am a five-year-old baby, when I am a love killer? Ask me what you know? If I understand, I will not be a single dog now." Tongle is not angry with a stranger, "Also, no matter what Mummy is doing, even if Mommy is hidden, you can't think that Mummy is not right."

"So hegemony?" Mo Qi said.

"Women have been unreasonable to make trouble so. You blow it?" Tongle looked up his hand, gave a strange head, "Hey, I will talk to you, the beauty is used to hurt, marvel, No white length is so beautiful. "

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