"I and Momo are just in the cold war, no divorce, trouble you know."

Mo Jue's face is sinking, and the cold is filled.


The brothers tried to meet the cups of the three people, and they said in the same way.

"Whoever dares to mention my divorce, chaos, I killed you!"

Mo Jue is looking at the wine in the cup and said.

At that moment, the glory is fierce, and it has an elegant fierce murderous, and teaches people don't dare to look directly.

The brothers have been wrapped in the package with the cold.

The smile on the face has gradually disappeared.

"The words come true, I am coming to find you helping the idea how to make my wife, how to pull so far ..." Momi-Qi priered a matter.

"I just said, I didn't do it, I didn't do it, and my woman is nothing more like this." Ye Jingshi said.

"Aisu, put down the dignity, put down the body, all kinds of joins." The thin shot took the shoulders of the seven princes. "I usually have such a dead skin, my wife ..."

"Question, my family is not so easy to be so easy. She is a specializer, or a world famous kitchen ..." Mo Qi's face is full.

If Momo is like other girls, it will be good.

Justice, it is really difficult than the day.

"You have a good life, now a bit set, it is also very good, you just have to enjoy life!" The thin tie shot Xiaoshiqi, smiled and said, "In fact, quarrel is also a happy life."

"Just, we went home to find someone to quarrel, you are very happy!" Ye Jingshi said.

"I don't know my blessings in Fu!" Nancu Bai also said very envious, "Aub, you don't know if you are in Fuzhong, you can be very easy."

"Just, be careful to recover your happiness." Ye Jingri said.

"A deep, you have a steady point, you tell me, what should I do?" Mo Jue was worried.

"Arpe, wife is yours, of course, how do you want to be, just now, you have not adopted it, prove that you must have a few people in your heart." The thin run smiled.

Some of the brothers have been drinking.

Mo Qi Yue wants to borrow alcohol, who knows more.

Finally, I don't know how I have been sent back.

When he woke up, it is a warm arrangement.

He saw it, some surprised.

"Hey, the real wind, actually go to the bar to the day!" Tongle is standing on the bed, supporting the chin, a stranger.

Standing in the other side of the bed, and Tongle music with the same paragraph, "I still have a good night, I really don't know the sky."

Mo Jue, I heard, sat up, see two babies, understand where you are in an instant.

He looked at the strange division and Tongle, and he smashed the temple. "How will you here?"

"Hey, you know, I don't know, you tossed Mommy last night?" Strange said some little angry.

"Nothing!" Tong Lele said, "Drunk, how big?"

Tongle said, picked up three pieces of juice board from the bottom of the bed, "Hey, the road I gave you a good! These three tupleplates, I deliberately buy it! Baby is very intimate! "

Looking at Mo Que, I said that Tongle is laughing and laughing, "I don't have to thank my baby! This is what baby should do!"

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