The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 801 is used after 18 years

Two cute treasures looking away.

When I watched Tongle, I saw Tongle music, I asked, "Ale, what are you writing?"

That kind of appearance.

"I am doing notes. After 18 years, we used it." Tongle was bite the pen holder and did not notmit it.

"Why should we use it?" The stranger asked with a face.

"You are stupid, we will quarrel with your wife in the future, this trick can be remembered that I can do it." Tongle music said, while writing, "Do something wrong, first to drink drunk, go home to buy A shadded plate is admitted, and all kinds of plays to sell Meng, you can have a wife ... "

"Ash, do you help me think about there is any step? Is it like this last night?"

Tongle is afraid that there will be a stranger.

The stranger took a notebook, asked, "Ale, you must learn the bouquet of clothing? You are only 5 years old, you have thought of 18 years later? Will it be too early?"

"I am not early! Now I am just just good! If you are angry, you should be a wise choice." Tong Lele stroked the chin, "You see, more, more, you will kneel directly. ! "

"For this wave of doing this, I was obedited." Mori, "this man, do something wrong, knowing to play a woman, have a good wife."

Tongle is taking a sigh of breath, obliquely, and it is a stranger. "Ash, you are very dangerous! Men not play care, how can you marry your wife? You are careful Born. "

"I am afraid, I have Ale accompanying." The stranger said faintly.

"Ash, I like you very much, but I still have to fall in love." Tongle is difficult to say.

"You and I don't affect you." The stranger is light, and the sight has been staring at the kitchen, there is no land cavity.

In the kitchen, Mo Jue has been begging for mercy, it has been repent.

But the Tong Jiu Mo is not turned, ignored him.

Tong Jihuang saw the abalone in the pan and cooked, just turned off the fire and put the pot.

Who knows that I will see the Morgus in the ground.

She was scared to put down the pot, but because of being shocked, the soup in the soup is splashed out, splashing to her hand.


Tong Jiun sent a scream.

When Mo Qi heard her scream, quickly stood up, rush to her, picked up her little hand, opened the faucet, rushing her little hand with cool water, and the other hand is not idle, pick up The edible white wine on the side, fell in her hand.

Two little Mengbao also rushed in.

I am in a hurry, "Mommy, are you okay?"

Tong Jiu Milou looked at Mo Jue, took the headphones, glanced at him, "Mo Qi, why did you appear in the kitchen? You are scared!"

Mo Qi looked at her and took her headphones, her eyebrows, "Momo, you have been listening to songs, didn't you hear me talk?"

The music she put is quite loud.

He can now hear the lyrics content.

"I said that you don't have something to run in the kitchen?" Tong Jiumo's heartbeat is very fast.

Just now she saw him, the pot polarity in his hand fell on the ground.

Fortunately, she responded fast enough, she didn't fall in the soup.

If you fall, soup will definitely splash to his face ...

The consequences could be disastrous!

"Momo, I am sincere to say that you are sorry." Mo Qi looked at her hot red little hand, it was uncomfortable.

The delicate skin has blisters.

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