The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 803 You don't say, Mommy is coming.

The stranger and Tongle music look at each other.

Tongle is a turning, falling to the nine of the children, asked, "Mommy, we didn't provoke you unhappy, why should we follow it together?"

"Yes, Mommy, why should we follow it?" The stranger asked in confused.

Tong Jiimo sat on the dining chair, said, "We will blame you as much as him."

Tongle and the stranger heard that the pupil was wide.

Then the face of his face.

Tongle music will vent it. The chin has a dining table, and the boy is born. "Mommy, baby is so cute, you let the baby go to the tie, your conscience will not hurt?" "

The stranger is also squatting on the table, learning Tongle music with a small mouth, looking at the children's Jiubo, "Mummy, you will notice the baby, do you let the baby go to the dress?"

"I bought the bucket board, I am going to go." Tong Jihaif said, "Go."

"But Mommy, baby is so cute, do you really have to go to the dress?" Tongle has turned it, and it has a little bit of water. I got some eyes, and I immediately turned to bother my boy. Jiumei.

Tong Jiimo nodded, "Well, don't talk nonsense, spoiled selling cute."

"The land is a lot of money, it is useful, so envious." The stranger remembered the scene of all kinds of spoiled soldiers who were drunk last night, envious.

"So, your father is kneeling together." Tong Jiimo said.

"Mommy, I still don't understand, don't do wrong things, why do we follow it? This is very faceless ..." Tongle is very unaccompracted.

According to the reason, Mommy should give him a good son award.

After all, she bought three jackets.

I haven't got a reward now, I have to be punished!

Hey, the world is not worth it ...

"Go, talk, you will not be the buzz." Tong Jiu Milou raised her eyebrows.

"What is there?" Tongle was packed and asked in small.

She didn't know where to find a chicken, laughing, smiled, "plugged the pork."

Tong Lele was quiet, and quickly came down from the table, and went to the ariva of the Qijue, kneeling.

Rattan !

He tried it once!

Don't stop again.

And the strange division sitting on the dining chair, watching Tongle is like a fugitive, the stranger is a ten face, "Mommy, what is a rattan pork?"


Tong Jiu Milou waved the chicken dust in his hand, gently explained, "If this table is your or Ale's small PP ..."

"The chicken dust is pp is the rattan pork." Straw said that it seems to understand.

After the god, they will be respectful, "Mommy! Head!"

He fooked and rushed to Tongle's side, and Tongle is as a piece of tuple.

"Ale, the rattan pork is really horrible?" Said the stranger asked whispered.

Tongle music side, "I didn't want to try again for the second time. But this feeling, I think the small dice can try it, it is not perfect!"

"You don't say, Mommy is here!" Momi Qi's eyes went to Tong Jihuang, and quickly reminded two babies.

Tongle music and stranger, the horse, head, pretended to be very serious.

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