Mo Qi looked at Tongle, "But it is a man, can't have a child."

"Then you go to give me a brother and sister with other women." Tongle said.

"No!" The stranger shouted.

Tongle is looking back, watching a stranger, "Why can't you?"

The stranger is a small head of Tongle music. "You are stupid! If you have children, what other women have children, isn't it to give Mommy? How is it! It's just a person who belongs to Mommy. ! "

Although he loves Mommy more, he doesn't want you to be with other women.

During this time, although I don't like their two sons, I really don't like the mummy.

With this, he is not allowed to transfer the pet to Mommy to others.

Don't cheaper anything else!

"It's also!" Tong Lele listened to the division, suddenly felt very reasonable, he said.

She ran to the child's ninem of Toumo, smiled sweetly, "Mommy, will you give your baby a baby? I want to be a brother!"

As long as you have your brother, you can call him a brother.

"Momo, do you have a baby?" Chi Yi clear is very exciting to look at the children's ninemat, "Momo, must be prepared during pregnancy, the body must be adjusted."

"After Mummy's diet baby is responsible!" Tongle is taking a small hand.

"Ale, will you eat?" Milk milk asked curiously.

Tongle is looked back and looked at MD milk. "Well! Mommy's cooking is inherited! I can be delicious!"

"It is clear that you have a mother, don't reverse it." Chi Yingqing said, "But you will kit, how can you kitak?"

"Yeah, will n't you burn the kitchen?"

"What, what is the burn the kitchen is Ash, not a baby." Tongle is pointed at the stranger, "said that Ash was blown to the kitchen."

"Noise, I am in the kitchen, I found that the kitchen is much new than the entire house, it turned out to be renovated." Mo Jue said.

"Ash, you, you are not allowed to enter the kitchen, if you accidentally explod your family? It is very dangerous!" The late break is white, "the most fear is to hurt my foam. Mo, I think that Momo will be killed and pool, I want to be a meal. "

The stranger looks at the family, the pupil is big, "What, I just want to learn to eat, I can give Mommy to eat."

"This dangerous thing is not allowed to do, especially when Momo is at home." Milk milk greeted.

"Don't worry, the kitchen is a place." Tongle is laughing and said, "And Ash also promised me, he did not dare to enter the kitchen later."

I remembered that Agi bombed the kitchen, the hair was fried, and he can't stop laughing for a day.

"Mommy, Ale has no humanity, the last time I bombed the kitchen, he laughed at me, laughing for a day." The stranger never spoiled, but in front of Tong Yimo, he spoiled, handed hands Come.

"Mummy, I didn't laugh at the Azi kitchen. I am just a small driver's hair hair and black face!" Tongle is afraid of Mommy's pork, and I am busy holding a boy. Jiubo's legs explained.

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