"I laughed with Ale, all the small funerals." Mo Qi Yan lip hook, whispered.

"How? Are you too greedy?" Tong Jiu Mo fiercely glared at him.

Mori Qiaon looked at her, deep eyes were full of lust, rolling up and down, "Momo, you are really cute!"

Cute, he really wants to kiss it immediately.

"I am very serious now." Tong Jihuang looked at him smile, it was angry.

"I also told you my true idea very seriously." Mo Jue lips raised slightly.

Tong Jiu Mo has been behind, and the side of the window and decided to ignore the Qi Qi.

In the narrow car, it is quiet in an instant.

Mo Qi saw she is really angry, I am worried that she will call him to park, so they don't dare to tease her.

Tong Jiumo is getting quiet in the car. She is carefully paid, staring straight at a stranger who is seriously driving.

"Mo Qi, you are still stupid! Why don't you talk?" Tong Jiubo asked.

Mo Jue was squatting, watching her, "Momo, you don't let me talk."

"Then I will divorce you with me, why are you not divorced?" Tong Jihuang refuted him.

Mo Ji: "..."

It seems that it is wrong to make a wrong decision, this guide will burn, there will be sequelae.

And it is still not small.

It seems that he is really angered her.

Everything is still very good.

"Why don't you talk? Is it too suspected?" Tong Jiumo saw that he was silent, she asked again.

"Momo, I love you." Mo Qi Luo quickly said.

"What do you say?" Children's ninemobiles moved.

"I love you." Mo Qi suddenly had a bad hunch, and the back is cool.

"You can say that I love you so beautiful? You are not less than others?" Tong Jiu Milu is deeply asked.

Mo Qi shook his head, "No, no, no!"

Absolutely no!

"I only said these three words with Momo. These three words can only say to the loved woman, how can I say anyone to others? Momo, I have no two hearts for you." Mo Jue instantly seeks life Extremely, "I only love you one, you are my wife, my two baby Mommy is my parents' daughter-in-law, my grandparents, the grandson, I only love you."

Besides, other women, he can't see it.

Are ugly!

Tong Jihong saw his ruthenium, she knew that he was tension and scared.

She put him, "parking in front of the mall."

"What is Momo parking?" Mo Qi looked softly.

"Go to the mall to buy something." Tong Jiumei replied him.

"Oh!" Mo Jue was busy driving the car into the mall, accompanying her to buy something.

Tong Jihong just agreed to buy something to Aiz, she wanted to buy home to give you.

Also give A Lebu.

I also buy a parents to my grandparents.

This area is all Chinese.

Therefore, I didn't see several foreigners when I arrived.

What they said is all Chinese.

"Do you hear it, the wife of the Mr. International Group is a ruthless woman, and the president of Mo is so whispered. She actually also put her face, really good!"

"Such a good man is moving with her, she is still so, is this going to die?"

"Maybe it's pet! The people who are being favored are not afraid!"

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