The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 834, I can't hide the emotions

"Well, I will go." Mo did not have a life.

Who makes his aim to obey the order?

"Ash, why don't you cover me? Stop me?" Tongle held a mobile phone, and he was eating a chicken with the stranger.

Who knows that it is a shot of a shot by a stranger.

"Oh, I just glanced now, I didn't see it!" The stranger explained.

"Oh, is it? I think you are deliberate." Tongle music lost his mobile phone, and fell to the stranger, "Laozi wants you."

To put it, I grabbed the hair of the Division, two small people who went to the sofa into a group.

Always rolled down to the carpet and continued to turn it.

"Without the borders, you still don't stop you from getting up, you are playing." Milk Milk pushed the stranger, "Quickly save the fire!"

Because of the distance, I looked at the two babies to twist together, and the posture looked at the super .

It is simply nothing to do.

"Really going?" Mo did not ask for his idea.

"Husband, you will go, look at the brothers and two." Chi Yiqing pushed the frankmony.

If you have a borders, you will go to the living room.

I heard two babies in one approach -

"Ash, do you want to come to play!" Tongle is pressed against a stranger, and asked provocatively.

The stranger is not as good, "fights? I am not afraid!"

"Oh?" Tongle is easy to pick you eyebrows, "then come! Baby wants to do it."

"Oh, I still overwhelmed you." The stranger said, turned over the body, and gently pressed Tongle.

"You are playing!" Tong Lele was pressed down by the stranger, and his pupil was wide!

"The soldiers are not distilled, don't you know?" The stranger smiled and smiled. "Do you want to fight?"

"Baby is so cute, are you going to play your baby?" Tongle is looked up with a handsome little face, and suddenly selling Meng.

The stranger looked at Tongle cute appearance, there was a moment of embarrassment.

When Tongle, I took it, I looked up at the little face of Aiz.

"!!!" The stranger is looking at it.

Watching Amuse of Ash!

This ... two babies, it is really rebellion!

Still waiting for his strict grandfather to education!

The stranger is separated by two babies, holding one hand, put it on the sofa, saying, "said to Grandpa, after it is forbidden at home."

"Don't you come at home, can you make a mess outside?" Tong Lele and the stranger sat on the sofa and looked at the stranger.

The stranger has no borders, "What is it! Where can I come!"

"The grandfather should speak clearly." Tongle looked at the stranger, "And I and the Xiaosi really not engaged in the foundation, just contact our brotherhood."

"You know, I have not seen it in five years, and I am sure that I can't hide anything, especially the kind of admiration of each other."

"Cough ..." The stranger is reluctant, then reached out of the little mouth of Tongle, "Xiao Le, don't talk, you can't talk about each other, what is the admiration of each other?"

This is Ale, what is it?

"Originally, we attracted each other, and admire each other. This is a fact." Tongle music won the frankier of his mouth.

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