"Momo, what kind of wedding do you want?" Mo Qi squad into the vase.

He wants to ask what the wedding in the child's ninem is like.

Everything follows the meaning of Tong Jiubo.

Tong Jihao thought about it, said, "Is the wedding are not your parents are responsible? I listen to my mother to give a large listing wedding company."

"That also wants to see what type of wedding you like." Mo Jue said.

"I like the wedding of preferences." Tong Jiu Mo said, "The best is the same effect as flowers, fairy flowers."

She likes to watch the fairy drama from a little bit, and seeing the special effects of the fairy sprinkles!

"Is there still?" Mo Que is a requirement for Jiubo.

"Nothing, I believe that my parents they are in the wedding must be very perfect." Tong Jiu Milou said.

"Momo, you can hold a wedding with me, I am really touched." Mo Qi said moving.

Tong Jihuang also followed the flower arrangement, white eyes, "We even got a marriage certificate, with the status of a strange, will definitely make a wedding! Dad, they are so good to me, how can I scaven?"

Mo Jue is very gratified, and the Tong Jiu Mo is in his arms, "Momo, thank you."

She makes him really feel relieved.

Never make him difficult.

Tong Jiu Milou looked at the stranger, holding two vases to leave.

I asked Mo Jue, "Momo, where are you going?"

"I took the flower arrangement and put it." Tong Jiun is unknown to see him.

"Are you not coming to me?" Mo Qi frowned.

"You are not angry." Tong Jiu Mo said soft.

The meaning of the words, he is not angry, her mission has been completed, I can go.

Mo Jue looked at the children's nine, "Momo, you are so ruthless?"

"I am very loving." Tong Jiu Milo smell himself.

"You see me, I don't care, I will ignore me." Mori Qi Tong said super grievance.

"Where is it, I don't care about you, just put the flower arrangement." Tong Jihai thought about it, felt not appropriate, folded, went to the stranger, the two bottles of flowers It's in his hand, "Hold."

"What happened?" Mo Qi looked at the flower arrangement in his hand, and it was actually some reaction in the past.

"You help me take the flower and leave, go together." Tong Jihuang looked at him.

After the Mo Jue, after the god, she was busy holding two vases, and her mood was very beautiful, and she was walking side by side, and she went out the garden.

Tongle is happy at the door. I saw a stranger and Tong Jiu fooled. He blew a whistle toward Mo Jue, "Shamish! I want Mommy to come!"

Tongle said, picked up the diamond on the neck, shaking a few times, "Hey, you see, baby is wearing this diamond, it is a high price!"

Mo Qi Yan looked at the naughty Tongle music, he said coldly, "playing while playing."

This kid is angry, but if you have something else.

Really unfair!

"Hey, it's ruthless!" Tongle is a small mouth, "I am a son who has been lost for many years! You actually sauce purple!"

"No baby, you have no wife now."

Tongle is very angry.

I really have Mommy, I don't want him to and Ash!

Tongle is sighful, turn around.

When I came to half, I saw a stranger in drinking milk. He reached out and hugged the division, "My small dice! You are disappointing me, let me play, ...... "

"This is called a wife, don't be son, very normal things, don't be stunned." The stranger handed the milk to Tongle music, "Do you want to come to two?"

Tongle is now drinking a bite, "Well, I am drinking! Ash rushing milk is delicious!"

The stranger is obedient, look at Tongle, "Ale, you really drink?"

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