Tong Jihuang and Monastery stayed in London for three days, just returned to China.

Mo Qi squad went down the head and other classes.

Mo Jun, I wanted to give Tong Jiimo on the plane, so when he flealed in the plane, he said a few times with Tong Jiumo, saying that he had to go to the bathroom.

Tong Jihuang wrote her food with a computer, the International Publishing Group invited her to write a food Raiders.

Pay directly to her 50 million copyright fee.

She has to write so much money, she wants to write seriously.

"Momo, what do you want to write so much?"

Mo Qi looked at her in thinking about the computer.

"I received a 50 million version of the copyright fee. I said that I said that I wrote a food Raiders. I don't know how the words will become, let me write a food romance novel ..."

Children's ninemathe faces, "" You know, 50 million copyright fee, if you write the story is not good, I am really worried that I can't afford the 50 million copyright fee and trust and expectations! "

"Reassured, what you wrote, you will definitely be as beautiful as yours, you will be a best-selling book." Mo Jue said with a smile.

He is very confident for Tong Jiubo.

"But I won't write a novel." Tong Jiu Mo Mo Yunxiao is even more powerful.

"That is pushed, no need to write." Mo Jue said.

"I also want, the problem is, the publishing house has been giving me money, I will tell me, they will give me money, I shouted to stop and continue to write them ..." Tong Jihuang Stretching the clothes of the Qi Qi, poor Baba, "Husband, you have to help me ..."

If you can destroy it, how much is you can't pay, the problem is that the publishing house is not given.

A husband, I will call the old bones of the stranger.

He was gentle, meditated, said, "Say, since it is a romance of the romance related to the food, then you will write our story in, we are also because of food."

"Is this ok?" Tong Jiu Mo frowned.

"Well, I said." Mo Jue said.

"The publisher said, it is to come out ... Will Will Will Will Will Too too much?" Tong Jiumo scared his face, wrote such a naive story, really will be laughed up, It will also be spit.

"This is the love story of the overbearing president and the beautiful kitchen, what is the dog blood?" Mo Jue said with a frightened Toyomo.

Tong nine foated frowned, "Is this really good?"

"It must be good." Mo Qi nodded, and he said seriously.

"This will be written." Tong Jihuang did not dare to write.

"Who dares to hit you, I will kill him first!" Mo Qi said.

"..." Tong Jihong looked at the Qi Qi, after half of it, she looked at the handsome face of the Mo Jue, "Do you make sure that I don't do this?"

"Of course, it's okay, you will write this, will be better-selling." Mo Qi held her back and kissed her ingredients.

"Don't you say it's right to wash your hands? Go." Tong Jiu Mohong face, pushing open the mortuary, whispering.

"Then I will go first." Mo Que suddenly remembered that there was a business to do, "Momo, you slowly write."

Mo Qi got up to leave.

"Hey, do you really want to write our story?" Tong Jiu fooled the eyebrows.

"Well." Mo Ji nodded.

"Then those ... also write?" Tong Jiu Mo coughed, and asked the little face.

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