Tong Lele said in front of the Mori Qiaon, "Hey, men are gentle! Can not be fightened! A fierce will be easy to lose your wife!"

"Also, I think you need to chase the children's ninemous beauty!"

Tongle music looks all in the eyes.

"Hey, there is a love book!"

Tongle music took a book from the bag, and threw it to Mo Qi.

Then I got a few o'clock, I ate a few dishes, and I took the bag on the floor.

The seal is homewed, and it is easy to cough.

"Old seal."

Mo Que is handed over with his son to give him a love book. It is a movie.

He called a slapset.

"Young master, is there any instructions?" The seal is asked in respect.

Mo Qi Jue gave a book, "said two movie tickets."

In the case of the capping, "the young master, do you need a package?"

When Mo Qi took a young master to watch movies, it was a package.

The young master is very strange, the castle is clearly located with a luxurious cinema, but it is not to run to the cinema.

Mo Jue was pudging for a while.

The seal is not waited until the young master's reply, "said the young master, is it a venue?"

Mo Qi looked up, looked at the seal, and asked, "the old seal, before you and your wife went to watch movies, is it two people, or watch with others?"

The gatekeeper said, "Young Master, our era, is open-air film vintage film projector, many people sit on the ground."

"The times are progressing, don't you take your wife to the cinema to see movies?" Mo Jue asked.

"Young master, I certainly have seen it, when I have holiday, I will accompany my wife to go to the movie to watch a movie."

"What do you think? Do you still two people? Does a woman like the package?" Mo Jue never took a woman to watch movies.

"Young master, usually go to the cinema is a couple, the people in the cinema look at the lively, the two people are very cold, the atmosphere is also very embarrassing."

"Oh, is it?" Mo Jue was suspected of suspected.

"Yeah, people are more like a date attend." Said the homework.

"Who is telling you, I am going to date?" Mo Ji heard the words, some unnatural refuters.

Quite proud.

"Young master, are you not wanting to see a movie?" The seal is curiously asked curiously.

"Who is going to watch movies?" Momi Qi did not admit it.

The seal is smirk, very clear, not poked through the Momi, "That is to watch the movie with the young master?"

"Go to the movie ticket at 10 o'clock tonight, let the last three rows."

"Okay, young master, I will go to book immediately." The seal is secretly smiled, "Master, there is other instructions?"

"The movie that is the most wanted to watch the book, but it is forbidden to order the order." Mo Qi Du said.

In the case of the replacement, Tong Jiimo likes to watch movies, every time there is a big release will go.

"Understand, young master!" The garden recorded the command of the young master, "Young master, there is nothing to tell, I am going to be busy first."

Look, the young master is dead duck and refuse to admit it!

Obviously, I like people of ninem, I don't say it!


"Roll." Mo Qi Lu said, faintly.

"Yes, young master." The manager said, retreated, just got out of the restaurant, and came back to the sound of the Qi Qi, "Back!"

PS: Add more 1.PK last day, ask a lot of small fairy a lot of voting plus collection ~

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