The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 867 put her first love broken corpse

"I have no disappointing you is a little, I have thought about helping you, but you don't appear late, I also rush to return to China to inherit the family, so I left."

Mo Jue is gentlely stroking her little face, "I am so handsome, you look at me, I will open it? Fang Xin did not move?"

"You put the dog bite me, how do I open it to you? And before you, I have a heartbeat, I don't want to open the emperor."

She corrects his statement, "Anyway, my first heart-moving boys are not you."

Mo Jue is a shadow, "You are so frank, do you have a feeling of your husband?"

"Love you, I don't hide you, and I have not made something sorry for you, I have the right to like others."

"Then you have to tell me, who is my emotional enemy, what is what he grows." Moshi asked.

"You don't get tangled again, I just pass the way you have seen a billboard, just a piece of paper people, what do you mean by a piece of paper?" She pinned his handsome, frowning.

He is really unfair to a piece of paper and her.

"I didn't jeal vinegar." Mo Qi said.

Tong Jiu Mo squatted him, pinching his face, "Mo Qi, you can say it! Don't hide it!"

Mo Qi duck mouth is hard, "I have any vinegar delicious, Momo, don't marry me."

Mo Qi said that there is still a little guilty, and it is a bit less than the rhythm of the Yellow River. "I just want to figure out what kind of person is what my wife's first love is, there is such a big charm."

"Just a piece of paper, the paper man's vinegar, you also eat, Mo Qi, you are enough." Tong Jiubo is also speechless. "I don't know his long face, just a side face, I also looked at it, I got more than ten years, I knew what kind of person he was, and you said that I seem to have a love with him. "

Marry a vineery, it is really very poor.

She just wants to sit on his thighs to transfer his attention, who knows, he is holding her.

She is really digging a pit to let myself jump.

"You like others, I care, just like a thorn, I should not tell me that you have a first love." Mo Jue is cold, "Men is very small, super care In addition to my life in your life. "

He hates can't break her first love.

Although Tong Jihuang has a marriage relationship with Miyama, Tong Jiubo has no feeling, so Qiang Shachen can escape a robbery smoothly.

If not, I have been in the priority of him.

He is just a first love, and I still want to be her first love, who is so honestly, so honestly, I am so honest.

Still a piece of paper, even if the other party is called, I don't know.

Is this not a might?

Looking at the moment of Mo Qi's face, Tong Jihai found that the side face of the advertiser paper in his mind is so similar, she said, "Don't move! I Know what the first love is so good. "

"What?" Mo Jue is happy, listening to her words.

"As you like this, I just saw him a side face, and a bit like your side face." Tong Jiubo held his handsome face, seriously, "from this angle, see the past, true It seems that I saw the paper man who saw the billboard on Going at home ... "

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