"Where do you learn?" Tong Jiumen snuggled in his arms, looked up at him asked.

"When I got on the street yesterday, I saw a few students heard it, I didn't expect to play with the game." Mo Qi was opened to her door and let her get on the bus.

"I don't want you to swear in the future, it is very good, and it is also very identified. This is not your identity." Tong Jihuang looked at him.

However, there is another taste when he is swearing.


"I know my wife!" Mo Qi's handedate.

"Hey." Tong Jihuang stopped, and hook his head and let him bend it, then you can touch his head.

"When are you a puppy?" Mo Qi looked at her moves with his head, like a puppy.

His face is in a moment of gloomy.

"You are obviously the old wolf dog, not a puppy." Tong Jiimo said.

"Well ..." Mo Jue can only accept it.

"Go to the airport." Tong Jiubo took the seat belt after getting on the bus, said to him.

"Whenever you go to the airport? What kind of friend do you want to pick?" Mo Qi launched the engine and asked.

Tong Ji Milry took out the mobile phone, turned out the baby's son's WeChat, played the voice, and came into the voice of Ale grievances, "Mommy, what is your husband? Yesterday, I said it is Today. Why don't you see him at the airport for an hour? Is he forgot to go to the airport to pick up his son? "

Mo Jue is awarded that I suddenly realized that "I actually takes Ash Le!"

Monastery said, driving right away.

"Momo, you and Ale said that we will come right away! Let them wait a little!"

"Husband, you want to explain it with the baby first." Tong Jiu Mo said.

Said, she also gave his son back voice.

At the airport, two babies dressed up cool.

When I saw Tong Jiubo, two babies helped small sunglasses, leaving their hands, and rushing towards the ninem of the child.

Tong Jiu Milou looked at the two babies that were running towards themselves, and they were full of favor.

Mo Qi also opened his hands.

When I just wanted to hug one, who knew the empty.

Two babies have hugged the big legs of Tong Yifa, and they are all towards the children's ninem.

"Mommy, do you know how we miss you! Excellered!" Tongle is holding the children of Jiu Mo.

"I want!" The stranger added.

Tong Jiu Mo squatted, reached out two babies, smiled and said, "Ais Aller, let you wait a long time, it is very embarrassing!"

"Mommy! As long as you can come, it! Nothing! Don't apologize!" Tongle music shook his head.

"Mommy, the wrong mistake is the fault, the apology is awkward." The stranger pointed to the Mo Jue, who was sinking a beautiful face.

The Qustu Festival is a bit sense.

He is sinking, saying, "Really, so many drivers at home, why do you want me to pick up, don't you know how hard it is working?"

That's, put two bars, one of them.

Looking back and looked at the children's nine, "Momo, followed me, don't be lost, pulled my clothes."

"Give a chance, you don't thank you, still complaining!" Tongle is a pair of hands holding a stranger's handsome face, can't help but, "Hey, a day, no see, you are handsome what!"

"The man who is pursuing by Mommy will certainly become more handsome!" The stranger said.

"I really envy you, you can do the man after the child's ninem!" Tongle is envious.

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