The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 882 Young master, have you forgotten?

When Mo Qi took a phone call, he saw his wife was taken away by her mother and grandmother.

He looked at the mobile phone, and he understood that this is a tiger from the mountain.

"Dad, you and myself lie to me!"

Mo Qi hung a phone and rushed out to chase.

"Mom! Where did you take my wife?" Mo Qi chased it out.

After the Children's Jiu Milu, I went to the car door, and I went to the car window. "Aisu, you still have a job! Come on! I will take your wife to go shopping. Bring her back to you at night! "

"Driver, drive fast!"

"Yes, the lady!" The driver will drive the car immediately after lengthen.

Mo Jue looked at the car and walked in the foot.

"Young master, get on the bus!" When the manager opened the car at this time, he stopped in the arivival.

When I saw the caught, I was a stranger.

"Young master, what are you still stupid! Get a bus? Do you want to catch a lot of your grandmother?" The seal the house saw that the young master was stupid.

Mo Qi lost his god and opened the door to get on the door.

"Young master, sitting!" The reaster is on the car, and immediately stepped on the throttle.

"Old seal, I met you for more than 20 years, I saw you so much in the first time." Mo Qi said calmly.

"Young master, I have always been so fascinated, you didn't find my flash point." The old seal said steadily and said, secretly looked at the rearview of the mirror, adding a play for yourself, "Young master Can you give me a chicken leg? "

"Chicken butt stocks have you!" Mo Qi rushed to talk about it.

"Young master, don't bother you! Don't be so impatient, old lady and lady take away less grandmother, in fact, you don't have to worry, they will not eat less grandma." The seal is still not forgotten. Mo Jue in the rear view.

Mo Qi Yue Yao is coldly sweeping a hand, "old seal, open your car."

"Young master, I am old, I can't get frightened, don't talk so much, I will scare my old man." The gatekeeper said.

"Old seal, I didn't remember, you didn't like to talk, why is it so embarrassed now." Mo Jue helped his forehead.

"Young master, before you and Ais's young master are cold ice, the two people are also in the family, do you let me say something? So cold atmosphere, I am frozen, where Dare to talk ... "said the homework.

"Then you have a lot of words now?" Mo Qi's voice is calm.

"Now it's different, there is a lot of Ale Little Grace and Xiaomidai, and the atmosphere in the family has become warm and enemies. I have been infected by Aile small."

"You can shut up, I listened to a headache." The Qi Quan said that he also smashed the forehead.

"Yes, young master!" The seal is not dared to talk again.

Mo Jue looked at the cars and lost their front, and said, "the old seal, hurry, and the car who lost my wife!"

"Young master, I am sorry, fast red light!" The sealed house said with the traffic light.

"There is also 8 seconds! You are a feet!" Mo Jue said.

"Young master, civilized driving, safe you and me." The seal the house slowed down the speed, stopped, pulling his hand brakes, looking back to Mo Qi Yu, "Young master, this is what you usually teach us, you forget Yet?"

PS: Recommended Sanchuan's Mengbao Pets "Sweet Wife Kiss Addiction: Jue Sharp, Gently"

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