"Momo, tell you a good news." Moshi walked to Tong Jihuang, smiled and said.

"What good news?" Tong Jiumo asked curiously.

"Your sister Sophie Wakes up, and it will arrange a plane after waiting for her physical condition to improve." Mo said.

"Dad, thank you!" Tong Jiu foally looked at the stranger.

"Momo, more than one friend is better than one enemy, although Sophie hidden you, our family pets you, you also have harvested love family, you have to let go of the past, so you will be more happy, we hope you You can don't worry. "Moshi as a father, he hopes that Tong Jiubo can be happy, but he also knows that Tong Jiun is now facing some difficulties.

So a family is negotiating, and the children who advise the children to put down the injury to the past.

"Yes, Momo, you have been hurt, we will use time to make up for you." Chi-ice is clearly hugging a child, "Momo, you and Sophie are good friends, your mother also Take care of you with you, how can you give your mother sad? "

Tong Jiu Mo said, she was silent, and then looked at her family and asked softly. "Can I really forgive Fifi's harm to me and conceal me?"

She is indeed depressed this day.

After all, she and Sophie have broken her face. She also regretted that she was so impulse and did not listen to Sophie.

"Momo, you are too trusted Sophie, so I can't accept the answer after the answer, you think this is Fifi who is deceiving you, waiting for you to calm down, you find yourself to do something wrong, is it? "Chi-ice" asked softly.

On the side of the Essole, I told the hairdress of Tong Yifa, "Momo, we all come over, know that the loss of friends is a very uncomfortable thing, Phi Phi is your best friend, she is wrong, But she is not intentional, she cherishes your friend. "

Tong Jiuyao listened, his eyes were also red, "Fifi is indeed very good to me, since the mother left, only Fifi took care of me, helping me, no more, no regrets, no return ..."

"Yeah, such a good friend, you have to cherish each other, know?" Chi Eyi clearly patted the shoulders of Tong Jiubo, "We all know that you are not willing to make a stiffness, you just use it."

All the boy's nine fry is resolved by the three words in the three treasures of the strange family.

The power of love can really dilute everything.

"Wait for Fifi, I will find her to talk about it." Tong Jihong nodded.

"Momo, you can forgive Feifi, but can't forgive Mu Jingqing." Chuan Yiqing suddenly seriously, "Sophie is just a good lie, but Mu Jing is a fatal damage, we don't allow dangerous people to be close you."

I heard the name of Mu Jingqing, the heart of Tong Yifo, "I will not forgive late."

Mu Jingqing is not just deceived. She is so simple.

"That's good, some people are far away, Mu Jingqing is full of energy full, and we have to stay away from this kind of person," I said. ""

"Momo, listen to your mother, you have to stay away from Mu Jingqing, you can't let her have the opportunity to hurt you." Milk milk also said.

"Well, I know." Tong Jiu smiled slightly.

She is grateful, also grateful to have such a family.

PS: Recommended Sanchuan's Mengbao Pets "Sweet Wife Kiss Addiction: Jue Sharp, Gently"

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