The stranger is still a madman.

A eye came over to let Ye Jingri have canceled this idea.

"The feeling of being protected by the little brother is really good!" Tongle was laughed, and he held a stranger in front of him, and he was still spent.

The stranger was gave a face of Tongle, and he reluctively coughed, "Ale, don't mess."

"Asbel, you are so good to me!" Tongle is like a little fat.

"You are my brother, how can I not be good to you." The stranger looked at Tongle.

"Thank you Mommy to give me a little brother of this baby." Tongle Lectees the little hand of the division walked to the ariva, "Hey, if you want your baby, remember More than a few pets my little brother, oh. "

"The younger brother sister is used, you must love your brother sister in the future." Mo Jue said seriously.

"I am the old two. It is said that the legendary second is that the millennium is not favored by his parents. Parents will ignore the love and attention to the second, so I have to have a little brother and my little brother, I have to be. How to make up for the weak little heart of the second year of this millennium! "

Tongle said.

He thought that he was boss, and he thought it can be deceived.

Who knows that paper is still can't help.

Finally, I was still dismantled. He is the fact of your brother.

"Mommy has always loved you in the year, I have a favorite for five years." Tong Jiu Milou touched the head of Tongle, like touched the puppy.

"But the rest is not able to enjoy the unique pet from Mommy." Tongle said, "Now you have to divide Mommy into a lot of copies. In the future, Mommy loves to other little brothers."

For Tongle's God logic, Tong Jiun can only make a compromise, gently said, "Ale is rest assured, Mommy will teach your brother sister pet to love you, don't worry."

Tongle is pulling big eyes, and I asked in Jiubo, "Mommy, is it true? Don't speak, don't speak!"

"When is Mommy to deceive you? It is like saying that when you want to be delayed?" Tong Jiumo said with Tongle's small head.

"No!" Tongle's mouth was twitched a few times.

Mommy wants him on weekdays, completely does not pick a day.

Say it.

Nothing, there is something wrong.

Happy, not happy.

"Mommy, you still have a lot of students, so some people will help it." Tongle said.

"I feel that I am super matching, two are the walker mad, I don't know how you are lie in front of the other party, in order to leave a good impression of the other party, actually lying on the other side, I didn't I have a child, but I still hurt the child. "The stranger said a pile of words and refers to this couple.

Mr. Yan and Tong Jiu Milou looked at each other each other.

But they can't afford this person.

Mo Jue's long arm stretched, grabbed the children's nine, and said seriously. It is not good to have your impact on your. "

Tongle music and stranger eyes widened.

"Hey, do you stand talking and talking? Do you want to be a wrong thing?" I looked at it with a stranger.

PS: Continue to push Sanyuan's Mengben oh "sweet wife kisses addictive: Sharp, gently pet"

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